Meltdown alert!!!!

Over at George Soros's seemingly favorite "Sheeple Slave Master" site,, (which I will not so lovingly refer to here forth as MoveOn.Borg) someone dared to start a petition asking DeBlasio to resign after rousing anti-police sentiment leading to the deaths of two officers who were shortly thereafter assassinated.

I guess who ever started the petition didn't get the latest memo that good commies always stick together no matter what. The last reported count of signatures on the petition was 54,412. MoveOn.Borg announced that after a review it would no longer promote the petition because it either didn't fall in line with their progressive member's values or because members may disagree on whether to support the petition.

OMG!!!! If everyone can't think alike or be told what to think with a reliable outcome- QUICK!!!! Hit the panic button!

Credit where due; they left the petition on their site for now where, God willing, it will open a few eyes that have been otherwise covered with the oh so trendy proggy blindfold. It may even stir original thoughts in those brainwashed to love their brand of group think propaganda. When MoveOn.Borg members get a reality smack that pushes them even momentarily outside of the collective, I'm pretty sure that is the same thing as all hell breaking loose over there.

To those who are given this opportunity to break free of MoveOn.Borg, I wish you the best of luck and even if most of you don't believe in God, I am praying for you to find the light and the truth it reveals ultimately refreshing even if at first disturbing.

Come on, YOU CAN DO IT! 

*Note - YOU can do it bears no resemblance in methodology to Yes, WE can.

*Another Note - if you really care about something, don't count on any online petition where you don't know what may become of the information you give or even the petition itself. Call, write, fax, email, or blog, to who ever needs to hear your message. A petition in the wrong hands may make your efforts the same as resistance against the Borg, ie- futile.

Joseph Ryan
This is great! You need to show me how you did the graphics.
  • December 23, 2014
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Good stuff, SW!
  • December 23, 2014
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Hold on, isn't DiBlasio a "liberal" favorite?
  • December 23, 2014
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Carl Spencer
When I was on facebook, I would see the waves of move on's images with the daily talking points. MoveOn.Borg is really a perfect description of how they operate.
  • December 23, 2014
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Jerry Rolison
You Remember when we were first blogging at sodahead, we were overwhelmed with blind liberal idiots and a media determined to blackout any truth about Obama and his horde of criminals? I feel that due to our determination along with a large group of patriots we have been able to create a new media e...
  • December 23, 2014
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Shy Girl
LOL MoveOn.Borg!! I luv it!
  • December 23, 2014
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