Dean Striker
The "last great financial crisis" continues, and our entire GOVERNment does nothing about it, and just keeps making it worse and worse.

Yet our People cannot fathom living without being Governed. So they "elect" other People to do it to themselves!
Go Figger!
  • March 17, 2014
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Bob Gallo
Because there are those in our government who stand to gain considerably in power and or wealth due to the next great financial crisis, they do nothing. I choose to have as little governing as possible. The way it was supposed to work was that the people we elect were to serve us and not rule over u...
  • March 20, 2014
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Dean Striker
This looks like a week's work, just to view and consider all those 10 writings. I'll try in the days ahead.

Re: "Part III: Why Are We Letting China Buy American companies?", without my going there, raises the question "Who is the "WE" who might stop that"? These are PRIVATE companies seeking surv...
  • March 20, 2014
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