Healthy Homemade Peppermint Mocha Recipe Peppermint Mocha Recipe

It is the time of year for resolutions and healthier eating (but let’s stick with that all year this time!). I know four people who are giving up fancy coffee in the new year, so I wanted to share this healthier homemade alternative.

I’ve shared before the only way I’ll drink coffee and my salted caramel variation on that recipe. When I drink coffee, it almost always includes a tablespoon of butter (yes, really) and some coconut oil or MCT Oil (from here).  Dave Asprey of and popularized the idea of butter and oil in coffee with his “Bulletproof Coffee.”

I’ve made variations of this recipe with coffee, decaf coffee, chai tea and herbal teas and they are all delicious and all give me energy for hours and hours.  I often get asked “how do you get it all done with a blog and five kids” and the answer: having a structured schedule every day and consuming enough healthy fats. This recipe is packed with brain boosting fats and it keeps me energetic but not jittery all day.

One word of warning, if you aren’t used to consuming coconut oil, start slowly with the coconut oil or MCT oil as it can cause short term nausea if you aren’t used to it. Coconut oil and MCT oil can have immune boosting, metabolism boosting and yeast fighting properties, but if you jump in too fast, your stomach might rebel!

Peppermint Mocha Recipe


Prep time

5 mins

Total time

5 mins


A healthy take on delicious peppermint mocha with brain boosting healthy fats and antioxidant rich cocoa powder.

Author: Wellness Mama

Recipe type: Drinks

Serves: 1


  • 1 cup of brewed strong coffee (I use the coffee from this here)

  • 1 tablespoon Coconut Oil or MCT Oil

  • 1 tablespoon grass fed butter (I use Kerrygold or Kalona brand- Kalona is available to order from this site if you can’t find it locally)

  • 1 teaspoon of organic cocoa powder (I use this one – please make sure any cocoa you use is organic and fairly traded)

  • Peppermint Stevia to taste- I use about 8 drops (I use this one)

  • And/or 1 drop of therapeutic grade Peppermint Essential Oil (optional)



  1. Brew coffee and while still hot, pour in to blender or large cup if using an immersion blender.

  2. Add other ingredients and blend on high for 10 seconds until emulsified. This step is important as it will create a creamy flavor instead of an oily one.

  3. Drink and enjoy!



Note: If pregnant or nursing, do not use peppermint essential oil!



Read more at:

The butter is surprising! Sounds really interesting .....
  • January 13, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
in lieu of cream perhaps? I think I would still add the cream though! LOL! I could do with some extra calories....
  • January 13, 2014
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