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January 6, 2014 by Lisa Bloomquist


A U.S. military publication, The Air Force Times, made the connection that victims of Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome (Floxies) have been screaming about for years – that Gulf War Illness is tied to Cipro.  In an article entitled, “New FDA warnings on Cipro may tie into Gulf War Illness,” it was noted that the August, 2013 update to the warning labels of all fluoroquinolone antibiotics stating that PERMANENT peripheral neuropathy is a possible adverse effect, prompted The Air Force Times to make the connection.

Civilians suffering from Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome (an adverse reaction to a fluoroquinolone – Cipro/Ciprofloxacin, Levaquin/Levofloxacin, Avelox/Moxifloxacin, Floxin/Ofloxacin and others) have noted the similarities between Gulf War illness and Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome for years.  It is beyond likely, it is probable, that they are one in the same.

The Symptoms

The VA defines Gulf War Illness as “chronic, unexplained symptoms existing for 6 months or more” that are at least ten percent disabling.  The CDC case definition of Gulf War Illness “requires chronic symptoms in two of three domains of fatigue, cognitive-mood, and musculoskeletal.”

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome is a chronic, unexplained illness with symptoms lasting for months, years, or, as the updated warning label notes, permanently.  The symptoms of Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome are too numerous to list, but a cursory glance at the warning label for Cipro/Ciprofloxacin will tell you that the effects include musculoskeletal problems and central nervous system issues.  Additionally, as  pharmaceuticals that damage mitochondria, the energy centers of cells, severe fatigue is often induced by Fluoroquinolones.

A 1998 study entitled, “Chronic Multisymptom Illness Affecting Air Force Veterans of the Gulf War,” found that the most commonly reported symptoms of Gulf War Illness are sinus congestion, headache, fatigue, joint pain, difficulty remembering or concentrating, joint stiffness, difficulty sleeping, abdominal pain, trouble finding words, (feeling) moody or irritable, rash or sores, numbness or tingling and muscle pain.

A 2011 study conducted by the Quinolone Vigilance Foundation found that the most commonly reported symptoms of Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome are tendon, joint, and muscle pain, fatigue, popping/cracking joints, weakness, neuropathic pain, paresthesia (tingling), muscle twitching, depression, anxiety, insomnia, back pain, memory loss, tinnitus, muscle wasting.

The symptoms are similar enough to raise a few eyebrows.  It should be noted that when a chronic, multi-symptom illness suddenly sickens a patient or a soldier, and he or she goes from being healthy and active to suddenly being exhausted and unable to move or think, it is difficult to pinpoint and describe exactly what is going wrong in his or her body.  Thus, even if the symptoms are identical, they may not be described in an identical way because of context and differing areas of focus.

For victims of fluoroquinolones, it is as if a bomb went off in the body of the victim, yet all tests come back “normal” so in addition to physical pain and suffering that the soldier/patient is going through, he or she has to suffer through dismissal and denial from medical professionals as well.  Neither Gulf War Illness nor Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome are detected by traditional medical tests and thus both diseases are systematically denied.  All blood and urine markers come back within the normal ranges, yet the patient or soldier is suddenly incapable of 90% of what he or she used to be able to do.  When a large number of patients or soldiers (nearly 30% of the soldiers serving in the Gulf reported symptoms.  Exact numbers of civilian patients suffering from Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome are unknown because of delayed reactions, misdiagnosing the illness, tolerance thresholds, etc.) experience adverse reactions that are undetectable using the tests available, there is something wrong with the tests.  The patients and soldiers aren’t lying and their loss of abilities isn’t “in their heads.”

Exposure to the same Poison

Another glaring similarity between Gulf War Illness and Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome is that everyone with either syndrome took a Fluoroquinolone.

Per a Veteran of the Marines who commented on about the use of Ciprofloxacin by soldiers in the Gulf:

“The Ciprofloxacin 500 mg were ordered to be taken twice a day. The Marines were the only service that I know for sure were given these orders. We were ordered to start them before the air war, and the order to stop taking them was giver at 0645 Feb 28th 1991 by General Myatt 1st Marine div commander. We were forced to take Cipro 500mg twice a day for 40 plus days. so the Marines were given NAPP (nerve agent protection pills) or pyridiostigmine bromide to protect us from nerve agent, and We were ordered to take the Cipro to protect from anthrax. We were part of the human research trial conducted by the Bayer corporation in the creation of their new anthrax pills. At that time they had no idea of the side effects of flouroquinolones. That’s the class of medications that Cipro falls into. After the Gulf War the FDA and Bayer co. started releasing the list of side effects.  You do need to know what was done to you so you will have to do your own research. Good luck to all of you and Semper Fi.”

By definition, everyone who suffers from Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome has taken a fluoroquinolone – Cipro/Ciprofloxacin, Levaquin/Levofloxacin, Avelox/Moxifloxacin or Floxin/Ofloxacin.  Civilians are also part of the “human research trial conducted by the Bayer corporation” as well as Johnson & Johnson, Merck and multiple generic drug manufacturers who peddle fluoroquinolones as “safe” antibiotics.

The Case Against Fluoroquinolones

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i believe it!!!!!!!!! after i found out about this i threw out all of the cipro i had stashed from past uses.. glad to see u rnt froze up there! i hear u got it bad!
  • January 7, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Cipro has fluoride in it! I had it once...thought I was going to die!

It's pretty frozen up here! LOL! Been taking a hot water bottle to bed at night for my feet! If they are whole body is warm! Also piled on a couple of heavy afghans! Not fir for man nor beast outside!
  • January 7, 2014
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Linda Mihalic
Cipro ruined my gut. I must read this article. Thanks for posting.
  • January 7, 2014
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Safari Woman
  • January 8, 2014
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ha too. I've taken Cipro for quite a long time for a variety of illnesses! Makes you wonder why we have to pay drug companies for RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT!!
  • January 7, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Cuz they are out to kill us all one way or another! They aren't there to preserve our health...they are there to make monies and that is their bottom line. If they can make you sicker, you will get another prescription for some other drug, which then helps you get something else for which you need a...
  • January 7, 2014
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That is the truth!
  • January 8, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
You know though what I don't understand with this article? If it's the Cipro then how come soldiers families also got the syndrome when the soldiers returned home? That seems to say that it isn't connected to the Cipro....but from what the soldiers were exposed to...some sort of bio-weapon that no o...
  • January 8, 2014
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Dale Barnes
I'm guessing you weren't supposed to notice that. I believe Cipro is a cause of many issues but anything a family member can get is suspect. I don't see how a biological weapon can affect family members either. Viruses can be spread. Unless a bio weapon contained viruses that live long lives I don't...
  • January 10, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Some viruses can live long AIDS...of course that was made in a lab maybe they did contact something that could be spread to family members....?
  • January 10, 2014
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Safari Woman
posted this image that names the six deadliest antibiotics - http://www.teamnetworks.n...
  • January 8, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Thanks...good reminder!
  • January 8, 2014
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Sitara Singley
Flouride is in more than you know. Get idodine.
  • January 10, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Anything made with water that is fluoridated...Beer, pop, juices....

Have to be careful with iodine... it will help release the bromide and halides along with Fluorides...heavy metals too.... which can cause their own type of hell before they are finally released from the body! Study up on the Iodin...
  • January 10, 2014
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