In the course of an ongoing investigation into the root causes of the rising tide of violence and horrifying murder rate this year in Chicago’s most destitute neighborhoods, several video interviews I conducted with black American voters from the community-organized south and west side, reveal a community that is fed up with the status quo--the status quo that keeps these communities ridden with poverty, homelessness, unemployment, dismantled families, and, of course, skyrocketing murder rates. And residents say, “it is the black Democratic leadership implementing a liberal agenda” that is to blame for the ongoing plight in their community.

Community activist Mark Carter says, “our issues have not been met on, have not been adhered to, and it’s almost as if they are just saying even though no one has addressed your issues, just go with ‘em anyway. And we say no.”

A resident of the Austin community, Jean Ray, says after 40 years of Democratic party control over the black community, the policies "are hurting,” and if there were Republicans willing to do the right job in her community, she would vote for them.

Paul McKinley, an outspoken Chicago resident and voice against liberal-Chicago-machine politics, Rahm Emanuel, and President Obama, spoke to me directly about the ongoing violence in the black community, explaining, “the real cause of violence in the community is caused by narco-terrorism facilitated by Chicago’s liberal-sanctuary-city status, in addition to the historically high unemployment rate among black men between of working age,” which he claims is never addressed by the President and comes last, if at all, in the liberal agenda.

McKinley points to a Univiersity of Wisconsin Milwaukee “Race and Male Employment in the Wake of the Great Recession” study, which found that for the 40-year time span between 1970 and 2010 the employment rate of black males between 16-64 years old has fallen by 28% to 55% in the country’s 25 largest metropolitan areas. Over these 40 years, he claims his community, the “poor-black community,” has been controlled and devastated by black Democrats implementing a “white-liberal agenda.” He specifically points to the President’s policy of putting issues such as same-sex marriage and amnesty for illegal aliens in front of the struggling black community and curbing violence.


The video interviews are fantastic. Watch them and read more at the link below.

Dale Barnes
Good. More of them need to wake the hell up and realize they are willingly going along with the government's enslavement. MLK is rolling over in his grave. I bet he never thought things would turn out worse for his people in general rather than better. 
  • November 2, 2012
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