The President’s tone has bordered on scathing as more evidence of the agency’s abuse of power is unearthed. Of course, a complicit media would fall in lockstep with an administration that has thus far denied, covered, and obfuscated its relationship to any of the scandals that plague it.

The IRS will be the oversight agency for Obamacare. The IRS already holds massive control over the livelihood of Americans, and we marvel at the depth of ugliness unfolding from this unchecked power. Yet, we are handing them greater control over our health concerns, medical history, and medical records. Even before this scandal broke, this was the equivalent to the fox overseeing the hen house.

In testimony before the Ways and Means Committee on Thursday, acting IRS commissioner Daniel Werfel revealed the haphazard and unformed policies that will be used to implement Obamacare. American’s sensitive tax information will be given to Health and Human Services, which in turn will translate this to “the marketplace” (insurance companies).

They will in turn provide a tailored health insurance plan to individuals and companies, supposedly at a reduced cost. Layers of bureaucracy rarely translate to efficiency or security, and this cabal of HHS, the IRS, and insurance companies only works toward building another out-of-control behemoth that further erode the protections and civil liberties of the citizen taxpayer. 

But there is no scandal here. As committee after committee seeks to get to the bottom of the IRS abuses, the question arises: What checks and balances will be put in place to stop the IRS from targeting individuals according to their health status? As more light is shed in the dark corners of the agency’s operation, it appears that this question deserves a legitimate answer.


If you give corruption a serious look, you can only conclude that it's limitless. When you cover-up "A", then sooner or later you'll be covering up "B" and on and on.

I worked with a software program that was being used by the FBI and it tracks people and their relationships. I used it with an FBI...
  • August 9, 2013
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