Pictures of Sun photographed at the same hour on different days
If you want higher taxes you are not robin hood you are prince john
Obama: Let us PREY!
we built it you broke it we will fix it
Find the black dot
Raiders of the Lost Emails Starring Trey Gowdy
Symbols of Hillary, Carney, Obama and Bill Clinton
NBC News Anchor Brian Williams Remembers When Frodo Handed Him The Ring
Ayn Rand quote There is no difference betwen Communism and Socialism
Anything Obama Says is Probably a Lie Including My Fellow Americans
There are three types of people in your life
Iran Nuclear Deal Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it Remember North Korea
This building in Germany makes music when it rains
The Man Child President - Obama blowing bubbles while the world burns
Tomb Sentinel 3rd US Infantry Regiment at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Winter
What a delightful cookbook
The Battle is Real Ephesians 6 12
You can either grow up or be a socialist but not both
How Compassion is Defined by Conservatives VS by Liberals Star Parker Quote
How to solve the bathroom controversy
Plan of Action for America 1934 cartoon
Chile Volcano Cloud Warrior4
End of an error Jan 20 2017 NOBAma
What the Ressurrection of Jesus Means
Terrorists on Welfare What is WRONG With This Picture
Are you really here in this magnificent universe to do paperwork
Chile vs Venezuela
Purple Crocus
Why liberals are so confused
Obama Lies looking right in your eyes
Running of the Buffalo Yellowstone
Archie and Betty Commie Comicbook
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