Mercury Retrograde
2 Attending

2018-03-22 Time
Thursday, March 22, 2018 1:00 am - Sunday, April 15, 2018 1:00 am
United States
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March gives us a sense of freedom as we move forward into our journey that holds our essence and true sense of expression. March evolves and also sets the stage for the first Mercury retrograde of the year, in Aries, ruling our true self. Through the transparency that has brought in a new perspective, our true self can now be visible.  (Perfect for giving up all the odd things we no longer wish to carry with us as we grow.) 

Mercury retrogrades have a cycle in which the retrogrades have an exactness of covering the same signs, the same degrees and approximately on the same calendar days. This exactness is seldom thought about Mercury retrograde, with the seemingly chaotic and confusing situations we experience during the retrogrades. The exact Mercury retrogrades we will experience in 2018 were the exact same signs, same degrees and approximately the same calendar days of 1939. This cycle is seldom talked about in the astrology world, but is the cause of major course corrections for humanity. We can look back at history of 1938 to see the impact of Mercury retrogrades covering the same time frames, the same signs and the same degrees. We are coming to an important time as was experienced in 1939. Few people are old enough to recount the transition of that time, but it becomes history repeating itself to give us a chance to grow as humanity, as a society and to make a difference.


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Safari Woman
OH GOOD GRIEF !!!!!!!!!! I came to see when this God awful cycle would be over --- just to find it's already over! WTH! It feels like I'm in mid cycle ... yikes - well there goes that excuse lol
Marge Pauls
Well, Pluto turned retrograde Sunday morning. and its focus on use and mis-use of power prompts us to move into positions that we can make a difference.
  • April 26, 2018
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Safari Woman
Well, mine's started with a bang .... the delays are already happening... the communication issues are astounding ... and right about now is when I wish I hadn't stopped drinking ...ha
Wanda Hope Carter
oh good grief not again - and I have a new washer dryer being delivered on the 21st which requires the removal of a wall and a door just to get in - if we even can get it in!
Marge Pauls
Er...if it's any consolation, the piles of dirt are replaced and the holes are cemented over in my basement...
  • March 8, 2018
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Safari Woman
lol good to hear!
  • March 22, 2018
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Wanda Hope Carter
good grief now I have to look up what happened in 1929 too? sheesh lol thanks for the heads up!
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