I have followed Don on Twitter for many years and he has a lot of good things to say about Progressive conditioning which I thought might fit in the mind control group. 

EXCERPTS For example:

"Progressivism relates to a political movement that began in the USA circa 1905.  It drew heavily on Darwinism (1860) and the Theory of Evolution as foundational elements.

Is your government making you behave like Pavlov's Dog?

Is your government making you behave like Pavlov’s Dog?

Progressives believe people must be conditioned, either like Pavlov’s dog or by the methods of B. F. Skinner and Edward Bernays, to behave as Government wants them to behave rather than as they are naturally inclined to behave. Conditioning is politically correct for Reward and Punishment. (Learn more about Classical Conditioning Wink Progressive Conditioning is analogous to the the “beat down” used by local tyrant thugs in the “hood”. The beat down consists of harassing, intimidating and/or physically beating an individual (depending on the personality of the individual) so much and so often that the individual becomes submissive and compliant to the will of the perpetrator. Progressive Government Tyrant Thugs (aka Educated Elite) are no better than the local Tyrant Thugs; They just have the color of law, overwhelming force, a better organized criminal organization, a complicit Main Stream Media, and better public relations.

To better understand Progressive Conditioning, it is perhaps easiest to establish a portion of the metaphysical context America was founded upon.

America revolted from the Government Doctrine of “Divine Right of Kings”. The King/Queen/Aristocracy (hereafter ‘King&rsquoWink asserted they were a God or the representative of God here on earth and therefore no earthly being could question their authority. The King owned all land. People were subjects having no rights, only permissions and privileges that could be revoked at anytime for any reason. The purpose of Government under Divine Right of Kings is to maintain order and to act in the best interests of the community.(Which usually defaulted to the best interests of the King, the aristocracy and the King’s moneyed friends) This highlights the relevant elements of what the American Colonists really revolted from.

America was founded on Natural Law and Natural writes. 



if it cures baldness I'll try it..... does it come with a shampoo too? lmbo

if it cures baldness I'll try it..... does it come with a shampoo too? lmbo

Groan conditioning not conditioner silly! But you knew that. 

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