An older article but still relative not only for the evidence of Obama lies but with Ben Carson being called into unjust scrutiny over his account of choosing Medicine over Military, it comes at a good time to show the character of the media to flail against conservatives and the role it plays in public deception by perpetuating the lies of liberals.


For example, on July 13, 2011, in a story published on page 16, New York Times reporter Kevin Sack explained, "The White House on Wednesday declined to challenge an account in a new book that suggests that President Obama, in his campaign to overhaul American health care, mischaracterized a central anecdote about his mother's deathbed dispute with her insurance company."

The headline said the book "challenges" the Obama story, and in the story they used the word "mischaracterized." It was a whole lot more misleading than that.

That new book was titled A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother. The author was Janny Scott, the same Times reporter who was so impressed with Obama's story-telling in 2008. But she found holes in the narrative. Scott quoted from correspondence from Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, to assert that the 1995 dispute concerned a Cigna disability insurance policy. Her actual health insurer had reimbursed most of her medical expenses without argument. The Times noted that although candidate Obama often suggested that Dunham "was denied health coverage because of a pre-existing condition, it appears from her correspondence that she was only denied disability coverage."

So he was lying. Indeed, reporters could have held Obama accountable for lying repeatedly on his way to his first presidential victory and beyond, obscenely using his own deceased mother as a prop – in a TV ad, in his convention speech, in a presidential debate, and in a town-hall debate over ObamaCare in 2009, just for starters.



Most people are brainwashed or stupid. If they wanted to know the truth, a good deal of it is out there to be known. They simply want to live in their fabricated bliss unaware of the dangers around them. It's easier that way until some day when the shtf they will have to wake up. Of course they will blame the wrong people, otherwise they will have to blame themselves. 

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