Bloomberg Is Not Tall Enough To Ride Space Mountain
Bloomberg biting the hand that feeds us FARMERS
Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten
Bernje Sanders Progressivism 2020 - taking us backwards not forwards old man
VOTE THEM OUT House Democrats in Trump Districts
Bernie Sanders solution to corrupt government is to have more government
Bernie found a perfect match in Linda Sarsour Branco Cartoon
Bernie and AOC Welcome to fantasy island where everything is free
2020 Freedom vs Tyranny
Ben Garrison GrrrGraphics carton Ho Ho Joe Biden as Santa waiting for voters to sit on his lap
The front runners of the party that hates old rich white men election 2020 Democrat candidates clowns
The Twilight Zone A voter base so brainwashed they will vote for anything just because of a party name
Quid Pro Joe Democrats are trying to impeach the president for exposing a crime so they can elect the criminal
Hong Kong Protestors wave Trump Rocky photos at rally
Biden is punching himself out Ben Garrison GrrrGraphics cartoon
The real truth behind the Trump Impeachment Deflection are the crimes of the Bidens Ben Garrison Cartoon GrrrrGraphics
VA Democrat State Senator Joe Morrissey - typical criminal representation for Democrats
Beto aka King George III vs George Washington
Elizabeth Warren sniffs Joe Bidens hair Branco Cartoon LegalInsurrection
Pervy Uncle Joe Biden Sniffing Pervy Bill Clintons Hair
The Kamala Harris Special Edition Monopoly Game
Joe Biden is a dark force
Group photo of 2020 Democrat Presidential hopefuls
The message of the Democrat Party for 2020 Elections
Bernie does not give away his tshirts for free WHY NOT
Wake The Hell Up America
Creepy uncle Joe Biden starring as the Groper and the Diddler
Bernie Sanders passed 3 bills in 25 years
Choose your future President Beto or Fauxahauntus
Dear GOP can we talk Ben Garrison grrrgraphics cartoon
The Democrat Party in a Nutshell
Democrat Governor candidate burned state flag in past
Democrat Voter Registration Drive
DNA Test Shows Elizabeth Warren is Less Native American Than Most Other Americans
Allow them all vs Build the wall
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Abbreviated quote A trillion dollars is just a billion with three zeroes and zeros have no value
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