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Parents, teachers and student across Florida won a small but important victory in the last week on the Florida legislative session. Thanks to a coalition of independent organization. A few decent legislatures, a bunch of blogging moms and a few dads, The worst part of the Common core initiative the Data tracking bill died in committee,


Below is an excerpt from The website Stop common core Florinda, I and quoting a large amount from the site but I do not want to paraphrase their words incorrectly and the gage changes almost every day so a link would nit work . I encourage anyone tho go to the site http://www.flcommoncore.n...


As we began this journey several weeks ago, many bills had been written already, many were out of committee, and some were days from being passed into law.  Our goals were simply to slow down the implementation of Common Core and to stop the intrusive data-mining between the State and the Federal Government.  Through your help and by the grace of God, we were able to accomplish both of these goals.

The following is an update of bills that we have been fighting:

Senate Bill 878- A bill sponsored by Senator Galvano was a very intrusive bill that would have connected over 400 data points with the federal government.  Though we were able to get a portion of the language out of the bill such as religious and political affiliation as well as a few other points, we were not able to get the bill completely stopped.  The Senate unanimously passed this bill, sent it to the House which, again, unanimously passed it with a small amendment.  Through the tireless efforts of our supporters, the bill died in committee.  Frankly, for a bill to die, having moved this far through the process, is very unlikely.  In fact, we were concerned that the language was placed in another bill not related to education.  After the tedious analysis of thousands of pages of legislation and the end of session, we knew the bill indeed had died.  

House Bills such as 7027 and 7057 also died which had similar language to SB878.

Senate Bill 1630's language was moved into another bill and was passed.  This bill requires technological load testing of systems prior to implementation of Common Core.  In this good bill, sponsored by Senator Legg, we asked that there be language requiring a short and long term cost analysis of Common Core prior to implementation.  Though this language was not put in the bill, we believe that we will be able to get this language into a bill in next year's session.

Make no mistake - we have won a battle but the war is still raging and Common Core proponents are working hard to stop our coalition.  We must not let them win!  Our children's and our nation's futures are at stake!

The following is our course of action:

  • Educate - We must educate the voters, parents, teachers, school board members, and our politicians. We are currently developing a plan to create a state-wide effort to accomplish this task.
  • Engage - We must expand our statewide coalition to build a force of citizens to hold our elected officials accountable to stop Common Core.
  • Fund - We must help fund this cause.  $25.00 from 200 supporters would greatly help in this endevor to fight Common Core. We need your help now!  We can't do this alone.  We need your help and financial support. You can make checks payable to:

  Florida Eagle Forum
                               P.O. Box 1815
                               Sanibel, Florida 33957      


                              Pay with Paypal Click

These critically needed funds for lobbying are not tax deductible.  If you need or choose to make a tax deductible donation for educational materials on Common Core, you may do so to Education Liberty Watch with information to send a check or donate by Paypal HERE.


Safari Woman
  • May 8, 2013
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Sarah Paskowitz
I'm glad for you but I don't understand how it works or is supposed to without the data collecting. 
  • May 9, 2013
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Lucas Delgado
This is very good news. One of the TEA party groups I occasionally attend got involved in this fight. 
  • May 9, 2013
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Willis Pebble
Safari Woman, Sarah and Lucas.
Safari Woman,
I was so relieved when I found out that the bill had died in committee, I was getting ready to start a full scale assault on Rick Scotts campaign facebook site. I am glad that was not necessary for two reasons one I was exhausted and two I heard that facebo...
  • May 9, 2013
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Safari Woman
Willis did you go to Tallahassee??
  • May 9, 2013
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