Since Obama was elected I've seen nothing but strife in black neighborhoods. Every body thought he was the new black Messiah. Those who are enslaved by the Democrat party were led to believe they were going to get all kinds of handouts, things they now think of as entitlements when they aren't. 

Remember this woman who claimed Obama was going to pay for her gas and her house? I feel sorry for these children so wide eyed and believing the ignorant things his mother is saying. I don't call her ignorant to be name calling. I call her ignorant because she has no knowledge of what she is speaking of other than the lies that floated around black neighborhoods like crack smoke out of a pipe. 

I liked Allen West when he was in Congress an awful lot but now I have met Dr Benjamin Carson and I am impressed with his nature and his belief in God. Dr Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist. I am not an Adventist but those I have met over the years have shown me that they are true God loving Christians who strive to live up to the teachings of Christ. They are all well educated and they are family oriented. Either Mr West or Dr Carson would have been fantastic role models for blacks all over this nation but instead we get a man who can't even prove without a doubt that he is born in this country and who is so far left he might as well admit to his Marxist leanings and how the Communist Party in this country supported him in both elections. He has been behind every evil thing the Democrats have done to drive wedges into the race relations. I see it every day. Things were calm before he was elected, and now I hear derogatory comments driven by the envy of anyone who has more than the complainer does and in our neighborhoods that is white people. Some how these black folks miss the point that Obama and Michelle have spent more on personal trips, clothes, and all of the elitist trappings than any other president. They are so brainwashed that he is still their hero. 

They don't see how these agendas are keeping them down rather than lifting them up. 

History will reflect on Obama forever as being the first black president. For those of us who feel no pride in that or who don't care what his skin color is, this will be a stain on the expectations of black politicians for a long time to come. When we look at both of the Jacksons, father and son, and others and how awful they have behaved, I believe it will hurt us for decades unless we can convince a nice smart caring man like Dr Carson to run. They crucified Allen West, and I hate to think what they would do to Dr Carson but who out of the black conservative group can we look to for future leadership that isn't a part of the Democrat agenda? 

I just watched the Starr Parker Video about Gun Control and she has a very good point. Gun control was originally meant to keep guns out of the hands of blacks and just like now it was the Democrats who were behind that too. 

Dr Benjamin Carson, if you read this some day, I want you to know that you have gone a long way to redeem the black presence in conservatism which is the only thing I see as a solution to the problems of blacks all across this nation. Those of us who want our people and all people to do better need heroes and leaders and you have proven to be one. Thank you for speaking up and giving us a voice against a president who has done worse than turn his back on blacks, he has used us.

Well............they didn't like Cain.  And they didn't like West.  Chances of them liking Carson don't look too good either.  You might say these three gentlemen are too darned black!  Ironically, each one of them is very intelligent and a credit to their race whereas obama is a disgrace to mankind...
  • March 3, 2013
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Safari Woman
Good points William. I can appreciate your sentiments. I used to be a lot more in tune with what was going on in black neighborhoods than I am now, as you know. We met in a mood of hope for all and now we continue as friends where hope is hard to find for many of us. It isn't about color for me and ...
  • March 3, 2013
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Sarah Paskowitz
I wish he was too William. I never heard of him before the Prayer Breakfast but he really won me over. I havent' heard that much good common sense out of anyone in a long time. I liked Allen West too but I think Dr Carson is a more even headed person and wouldn't be seen as radical as West was. But ...
  • March 4, 2013
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I only know of Carson through his work in the city of my birth, Baltimore.  He's been one of Hopkins most reknowned surgeons and a beloved resident of Baltimore.  
  • March 5, 2013
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Lucas Delgado
I would have agreed with you right up until I just read that he came out with pretty strong anti gun comments about semi automatics in cities. He would still outclass Obama a million times over. No one is going to be a perfect president because no one is perfect. But to find someone worse than Obama...
  • March 5, 2013
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