Flashback 1969 -
I was 15 years old at a park in downtown St Petersburg FL attending what was the closest thing to a "love in" we would ever have. This song was played between sets and we rallied up a circle of dancers linked arm in arm, going around and around while one of us would break off and end up in the middle, doing our own "thing" until the next person entered. I remember believing the words to this song. I could feel us dancing on the edge of something new and different. It was something better, something greater and something far more beautiful than the old constructs we were living under.
This was a tumultuous time in history when many were rightly so caught up in the tragedies that were just beginning to unfold via wars, assassinations, and political upheavals. That bright sunny day always seemed right around the corner to me for quite a few years until my own tragedies and heartaches beat the vision out of me.
Today, I was sitting at my desk watching and listening to astrological predictions from a few months ago up until present day. I was struck by how similar it seemed to be in signs of the times. The anger and divisions, the unrest and the insecurities about our future are just as dominant in the minds of people today as they were in 1969 when this song came out. Will there be more unrest, division, and unexpected events that turn us all on our heads in the near future?
If pretty much every one I listed to this morning is correct, then yes, it is all immanently ahead. But every old bad thing must be ground to a fine powder before we can spring up with the new and the better way. I thought of this song as I sat wondering what was ahead. The minute I played it, I knew we have finally truly arrived at the precipice of no return and instead of fear, as I listened, I felt joy. I decided I'll do my part of joining in on the group consciousness that will help usher in the light to bust up this darkness we live in by listening to this and every positive song I can fill my ears with over the next coming months.
No matter what happens, I have faith, in the source of all light and I will let the sunshine and the SON shine IN and pass it along.
We only get to dance in the middle of the circle for a short time. It is good to enjoy our turn and make the most of it!