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I was actually in the middle of writing another blog, when I took a break to glance at Twitter and saw a highly technically advanced deep fake video coming from a profile I've followed for a few years - The video proclaimed to be a James Okeefe expose of how the Democrats set up J6. There was a lot of voice matching and editing from various news clips from separate audio and videos. The profile was promoting it as if it was absolutely real.

I ignored it, until I saw it three more times shortly thereafter with each profile expressing their own excited outrage over the contents and expose. I looked at it for about twenty seconds, just enough to know what it was, a mixture of real and fake. I pointed out it was a deep fake to the profile that posted where I watched from. He responded by questioning me if I thought the source was liberals going after conservatives or the opposite. He used the usual insulting jargon one might find in his reference to liberals.

I told him it seemed like only conservatives were passing it on as if it was real, and liberals would know it was fake before they even looked at it and think conservatives were dumb to believe it. So, one can make of it what I thought from that. His response was that it will come out in the wash and (expletive) liberals put out only lies so frequently and don't want to know truth so they will have to use their own discernment. (Or to that effect)

My response was that it didn't matter to me who made it to mess with what group because I don't follow the father of lies or his byproducts.

I got no response.

I took a look at his and the two other people's profiles and they all listed Christian on them. One profile I've followed actually for years even from a different profile. I never saw anything that caught my attention except for the fact the profile was always aggressively mouthy in their strong opinions. Then I looked down their profiles and noticed, all of them have begun to post a mixture of good old conservative material and things that make me go hmmmmm.

I went out on the deck to stare at the river and sky and think about what just happened.

I give this weight as something that matters because it was no short amount of time or effort that went into the production of what I saw. That has it's own implications about what and who is behind it.

And - I just know - I got the answer exactly right. It is the by product of the father of lies and anyone who shares something like this is suspect, especially those with the Christian tag. I have a gut feeling about all of them and will be following three less than I am now, after the next time I log on.

I feel like I should make note of it because these kind of profiles need to be outed. For years I've watched people get caught up in their webs of evil.



Linda Mihalic
Hmmm. I'll be on guard. Thanks for the warning.
  • March 11, 2023
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Wanda Hope Carter
Yep - I think it is going to be a trend and a lot of existing and established profiles that have been operating as conservatives are being utilized. Maybe due to so much going on they want to distract from, or due to upcoming elections. I feel it is organized.  
  • March 11, 2023
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Linda Mihalic
Yes. I saw one on Twitter (Baeman) that I'm sure is a fake.
  • March 13, 2023
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