I was so enthused and excited to begin my best made plans to run down a dream. I lined up with the stars, made a list and checked it twice and the first two days of positioning were right on target. Then, BAM  straight out of the gate I ran into a wall! I should be used to this by now but it was still disappointing mainly because of what it was that stopped me in my tracks.

My namesake website needed to reflect the many changes and updates in what I am doing. I spent half a day working on announcements and site changes to include new features. When I published it and took a look on the computer. It looked fine. I was after-all just doing the introductory work and not rebuilding or adding the actual new content. Then I looked at it on my phone and it was a total mess! No way can I go forward without that site being at least presentable on all formats.

What's funny is that it looked fine on my old phone but updated browsers and operating systems on the new phone made all the difference in the world as to how the code was read. Even this series of ancient petroglyphs in Fire Canyon Nevada is easier to decipher than the results on my site pages!

My heart sank when I realized not only was I going to have to rebuild the entire site, but that it would need to be built on a software I am not familiar with since my software is obviously no longer up to standards. The software is being retired and there are no new versions expected to come out.

That was day three.

Day four (yesterday) when I was going to make a big splashy announcement and post a video message, I was sick in bed all day long with something that affected me in more ways than one.

Today is day five. I have decided which software I am going to use and will be proceeding to install it and remake my site over the next week, even if it will just be a opening minimal version. Other plans of progress are pushed back until that is finished & I'm reminded once again that Mercury in Retrograde is REAL!

But if this is truly God's plan for me, it is still working out exactly as it is supposed to. So I won't complain. I will be thankful for the delay and extra work and even for the frustration. I'm sure that in the end as long as I keep putting in the effort, God will lead me to the finish line.

It may not be the finish line I think I am heading towards and I might not even be in the race I think I am running in, but when God says GO - I GO! 

More soon!


Linda Mihalic
I think of it as Mercury wreck-to-grade because it wrecks whatever plans I make.
  • May 31, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
lol good one .... there were other astrological aspects that lined up  just right and info said around the new moon due to a conjunction would still be meaningful even during this mars WRECKtrograde .. so I'll go with it was still the right thing to do lol
  • May 31, 2022
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Marge Pauls
Not immune, either. Lol, Linda--it wrecks the plans everyone makes!
  • June 1, 2022
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