Biden is President? What a riot that will Be! Part 2

In Part 1, I shared the video "Biden & Harris: You are not safe with them". That video was the jumping off point for explaining that the violence and the riots will continue no matter who wins. I also attempted to make the case that reelecting President Trump is the only way to keep the riots from spreading into your neighborhood.

This year Trump is way behind in the polls with suburban women. Apparently, a lot of them think Trump is rude, arrogant, and un-presidential.

We need to talk to these women and anyone else and ask them to put their emotions aside for a minute and think about the safety of their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, nieces and nephews, wives and husbands.

People who vote for Biden because they think he is nice and Trump is mean should be asked some very simple questions. Questions like why they are voting for Biden when he will not keep us safe.

Since you will be talking with friends relative and neighbors, you must not try to argue with them. You are not trying to own your opponent; you are trying to persuade them.

When speaking to an open-minded individual that has misguided believe is misguided simply try using use the Socratic Method.  Below is a summary of the Socratic Method from The Life lessons web site.

*       State you belief in simple words and without arguments.

*       Ask open-ended questions, do not interrupt or try to fill the silence or offer help or suggestions

*       Listen intently to what the other person says and doesn’t say. Notice if they answer your question vs simply reacting to it, or if they start answering a different question.

*       Always ask follow-up questions and continue to unpack the belief deeper and deeper one layer after another, uncovering the assumptions, beliefs, evidence, reasons etc. used to support it

*       Ask the other person to clarify if something isn’t clear to you, or if you don’t understand something

*       Respectfully point out any contradictions, counterexamples, exceptions to the rule, inconsistencies etc. to get their thoughts

*       Repeat back their words so they can hear what they’re saying, as a way to let them hear their own confusion or mistakes

*       Paraphrase and summarize their words out loud so you’re both on the same page

An example of the Socratic method at work, please watch the video I was voting for Biden but this changed my mind to Trump.

In the video no names are given so I will call the questioner "Socrates" and the questioned "Dude" 

Socrates starts by asking Dude who are you voting for. When Dude says Biden, Socrates asks Dude the open-ended question "Why". He waits for the answer, and then continues to ask clarifying questions until the only answer that Dude will give is that, he thinks Biden will do a better job. Then Socrates asks the clarifying question "what has Biden done in 47 years?

When Dude cannot answer that question Socrates starts a long list of what Biden has done that worked against blacks.

Although this is video of a one-on-one conversation, it has over 3,000,000 views and over 299, 000 likes. You are persuading one person, and everyone they will persuade.

Do not waste your time on someone who is an ideologue unless there are other people around that you can persuade by the discussion. You are not trying to humiliate people, just convince them, or at least plan a seed in their minds.

If you do get into an adversarial debate here are some rules that I have condensed from Steve Deace on the Blaze network , Lis Wheeler at OAM networks.

When I say argument, I mean discussions arrive at the truth.

These rules apply to any kind of persuasive discussion whether adversarial or friendly.

1.  Know what you believe and why you believe it. You have to have the facts or at least valid arguments to support what you believe or you will never persuade anyone.

2. Know what the other side believes and why they believe it so you can anticipate their points.

3. Know what the other side believes about what your side believes, and how they came to believe it. 

4. Be polite, but make them validate their opinion.

5.  Never answer a question based on a false or hidden premise; either reframe the question, attack the premise, or ask for specific examples.

6. Let them use up all their talking points, without interruption, Then ask a question, that cuts to the main point, then the debate on your terms.

Remember, you are telling people something they may not know. Keep in mind if you revived your information the same way they do you might think like them as well. Be kind and do them a favor by preventing them from doing something that will hurt them and their family.

Do not go down the road of defending Trump or attacking Biden unless it proves your point. Do not argue personalities but do point out the stark differences in policies. Trumps policies lead to a continuation of our Constitutional Republic. Biden is a Trojan horse for a radical leftist agenda, which has never worked in all of history. That is what is at stake with thins election




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