R. A. Schultz






Ya know, I’ve grown seriously weary of turning on the television every morning just to get a dose of more bad news about this frigging Chinese plague sweeping the planet!  They don’t have any real news, just a body count.  Everything else is pure conjecture of this or that “expert,” all of whom are merely stating their best guess, usually based on this or that “computer model,” which inevitably proves the axiom, “Garbage in, garbage out.”  Then we’re assailed by the politicians, some of whom whine that the federal government isn’t doing enough, or perhaps too much, or we should do this or that differently, or that we should have done this or that differently.




POTUS will have a news conference and offer some degree of hope for the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, immediately followed by the know-nothing nattering nitwits of negativism who apparently believe everyone watching really gives a flying sh*t about what their opinion is of the president’s remarks.




So I promised myself that, at least until the end of this media-manufactured hysteria, my news sources will be severely trimmed down to Rush Limbaugh (or his substitute) and the Greg Gutfeld Show, making sure, when viewing the latter, to keep my mute button at the ready for whenever that dolt Juan Williams opens his stupid maw.




I’m anticipating that my outlook will brighten considerably.






I refuse to watch the news.
  • March 27, 2020
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Safari Woman
I've watched two presidential corona reports - other than that - my mom calls to tell me the local changes in laws and stuff like that so I have no need to watch or read any news other than what I choose to look at online. thank goodness!
  • March 28, 2020
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Linda Mihalic
I have not watched TV since Gilda Radner played Rosanne Rosannadana. And I'm convinced it's been good for my health, mental and physical.
  • March 27, 2020
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Safari Woman
good move!
  • March 28, 2020
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Safari Woman
  • March 28, 2020
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