R. A. Schultz



Barack Hussein Obama II, allegedly the former President of the United States, has warned the members of his Peoples’ Democratic-Socialist Workers’ Party (“NAZIs” for short) to beware of falling into the trap of forming a “circular firing squad,” having suddenly realized that his party is already jerking itself off in a circle. 


Some of the current crop of jerks are more outstanding than others, such as bullies Gory Booger and “Kneepads” Kamala Harris.  Some are just plain sissies who wanna pretend to be bullies, such as the Afghani combat fairie, Petie Buttergiggie and erstwhile gun-grabber Eric (The Red) Swallowell.  And some are just plain old non-entities, such as good ole Whatsisname and the plagiarist, Weird Old Uncle Joe (“Squeezie-Feelie”) Biden.  Does anyone know how to say “collusion” in Ukrainian?


And so the circus begins.  Thankfully, the sycophantic propaganda arm of the NAZI Party has cut the number of rings down to two for the early skirmishing.  If we had to endure all three rings, we’d be ready to rip our eyes out by Election Day and Trump would win by default.  Which, by the way, just might turn out to be the way this is ultimately played out.  How ‘bout the Dims just cool it for four more years and come back in 2024 with two or three credible, LUCID candidates?


See: https://www.theguardian.c...

Linda Mihalic
LOL! Once again, you have nailed it!
  • June 25, 2019
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Safari Woman
:-D -- totally agree!!!! Except --- I think it will tkae them decades, if they ever do it again, to produce even one lucid candidate. By now they are all brainwashed with mush for brains. Only their robotic indoctrination training prevails... and their flat out nutjob mentality.
  • June 26, 2019
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