Plato, Republic, Book 3: Socrates says,

Socrates: "Before the time of Herodicus, the guild of Asclepius did not practise our present system of medicine, which may be said to educate diseases. But Herodicus, being a trainer, and himself of a sickly constitution, by a combination of training and doctoring found out a way of torturing first and chiefly himself, and secondly the rest of the world.

Glaucon: How was that? he said.

Socrates: By the invention of lingering death; for he had a mortal disease which he perpetually tended, and as recovery was out of the question, he passed his entire life as a valetudinarian; he could do nothing but attend upon himself, and he was in constant torment whenever he departed in anything from his usual regimen, and so dying hard, by the help of science he struggled on to old age.

~"Educating disease" is teaching various bacteria and viruses how to kill us short-term and over the long haul by mutation. Think about it.

Safari Woman
  • May 13, 2019
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