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R. A. Schultz



The current gang of announced candidates for the presidential nomination of the Peoples’ Democratic-Socialist Workers’ Party brings to mind the bar scene from Star Wars.  The entire lineup looks like a crazy-quilt collection of weirdos, freaks, pot-heads, grade-school dropouts, prostitutes, drunks, mental hospital escapees, pedophiles, junkies, transvestites, lawyers, and a host of other assorted degenerates.   To many, this might be an improvement over the 2016 Democrat Party front runners, Miss Piggy and the Crazed Professor, the Pig ultimately scuttling the Prof with the assistance of Debbie the Skank, John the Satanist, and Auntie Donna Jemima.  But Piggy and the Prof will likely return for yet another run in 2020.  It’ll be great!  They were so entertaining the last time around.


Of the current announced candidates, only one who looks anywhere near normal, physically attractive actually, and appears capable of thinking for herself, shunning most of the weird socialist bullsh*t indulged in by the others, is combat veteran and Member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard (HI).  Not that I’d vote for her, mind you, just that her overall demeanor and appearance separate her from the degenerates.  She is an Army National Guard Major of Military Police.  She is a practicing Hindu, having been born of US Citizen Indian parents in American Samoa, making her eligible for the presidency while the Kenyan prince was not.


Unfortunately for America, Gabbard doesn’t stand a chance.  The PDSWP as currently constituted, couldn’t possibly put forward a truly qualified, interesting, intelligent, and attractive candidate.  They just don’t have it in them.  They have intentionally become the party of the degenerate Left, the Stupid, the Incapable, and the Unwilling.  They would be rejected even in the turd world.



Safari Woman
lolz your descriptive names of them ..... but I think people underestimate Gabbard  a little bit - even if not this time around - I think she is here to stay in the political scene for a while. I'm in HI right now and people love her - lots of libs visit Hawaii and think they have a connection too. ...
  • March 15, 2019
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Gabbard, from what I can tell thus far, doesn't appear to be a rabid lefty. Along with Joe Manchin, we might see the dawning of some common sense being infused in the Democommie Party.
  • March 16, 2019
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