Over 30,000 Scientists Declare Climate Change A Hoax

A staggering 30,000+ scientists have come forward confirming that man-made climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the elite in order to make money. 

One of the experts is Weather Channel founder, John Coleman, who warns that huge fortunes are being made by man-made climate change proponents such as Al Gore.

In a recent interview with Climate Depot, Coleman said:

“Al Gore may emerge from the shadows to declare victory in the ‘global warming’ debate if Hillary Clinton moves into the White House. Yes, if that happens and the new climate regulations become the law of the land, they will be next to impossible to overturn for four to eight years.”

Climate change proponents remain undeterred in their mission, ignoring numerous recent scientific findings indicating that there has been no warming trend at all for nearly two decades.

Al Gore’s dire predictions of the melting of polar ice on a massive scale have proved to be completely false. 

In fact, in 2014 – a year that was touted as being “the hottest ever” in the Earth’s history – there were record amounts of ice reported in Antarctica, an increase in Arctic ice, and record snowfalls across the globe.

Debunking the “97 percent” lie

On top of those “inconvenient truths,” the White House’s assertion that 97 percent of scientists agree that global warming is real has been completely debunked

Several independently-researched examinations of the literature used to support the “97 percent” statement found that the conclusions were cherry-picked and misleading.

More objective surveys have revealed that there is a far greater diversity of opinion among scientists than the global warming crowd would like for you to believe.

From the National Review:

A 2008 survey by two German scientists, Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch, found that a significant number of scientists were skeptical of the ability of existing global climate models to accurately predict global temperatures, precipitation, sea-level changes, or extreme weather events even over a decade; they were far more skeptical as the time horizon increased.”

Other mainstream news sources besides the National Review have also been courageous enough to speak out against the global warming propaganda – even the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece in 2015 challenging the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) pseudoscience being promulgated by global warming proponents.

And, of course, there are the more than 31,487 American scientists (to date) who have signed a petition challenging the climate change narrative and 9,029 of them hold PhDs in their respective fields.

But hey, Al Gore and his cronies have also ignored that inconvenient truth, as well.

Many of those scientists who signed the petition were likely encouraged to speak out in favor of the truth after retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist John L. Casey revealed that solar cycles are largely responsible for warming periods on Earth – not human activity.

Al Gore and cronies continue getting richer from the global warming hoax

But the global warming crowd continues to push their agenda on the public while lining their pockets in the process. 

If you’re still inclined to believe what Al Gore has to say about global warming, please consider the fact that since he embarked on his crusade, his wealth has grown from $2 million in 2001 to $100 million in 2016 – largely due to investments in fake “green tech” companies and the effective embezzlement of numerous grants and loans. Al Gore is likely to become the world’s first ‘carbon billionaire’.

Source and references: NaturalNews (excerpt); Global Warming PetitionPeer-Reviewed Research


MY TAKE:  See?  I toldya so!  But I doubt that articles such as this will have much impact.  Those who we hope would be influenced by it won’t even bother reading it because their minds have been made up for them. 


The alarmists started out, I think sometime during the early 1970’s, with global cooling; we were entering a new ice age.  We were only a few short years away from a nuclear winter, whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.  Then it morphed into global warming (because cooling wasn’t scary enough?), and WE were responsible for it!  After all, they told us, it only started at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and that if we gave up our cars, especially our SUVs, and all of us bought Priuses, all would be well.  We would have saved the planet.  Then it became climate change.  NO ONE can deny climate change, after all.  But again, WE were responsible in any event.  The alarmists’ latest version of impending disaster is extreme weather, which, of course, is the direct result of anthropogenic global warming (AGW).


All manner and form of “scientists” who advocated in favor of anthropogenic global warming or climate change or whatever, were paraded before us, sort of like “Four out of five doctors smoke Marlboros,” remember that?  Notably absent from the parade were climatologists.


But anyway, trying to persuade AGW worshippers to at least question their religion is virtually impossible.  “The science,” after all, “is settled.”  For them, questioning AGW is denying Science.  Never mind that science is perpetually changing with each new “discovery” G-d allows us to have.  Don’t even bother suggesting they do ridiculous things like examining the fossil or geological records, because they’ll angrily retort that they don’t want to hear your “mumbo jumbo.”


My guess is that much like millennial snowflake socialists, they’ll just have to learn the good old fashioned hard way!


: : : sigh : : :

Linda Mihalic
30,000 ETHICAL scientists.
  • February 17, 2019
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Wow....so does this make ME as smart as one of these dudes?
  • February 19, 2019
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  • February 19, 2019
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