I don't personally believe that impeachment is the proper legal channel for addressing the crimes of Obama against the nation because I feel that Obama is not eligible according to the requirements of a natural born citizen to serve as president, but I also don't believe this issue will ever be resolved. The house, the judicial system and both parties remain complicit in the false validation of his status and in the cover up of the facts about his birth certificate and social security number. So that leaves me with one hope for us to be done with Obama sooner than after another long four years of unconstitutional destruction is up and that is impeachment.

Rep Trey Radel responded to Republicans initiating impeachment proceedings against Obama in response to his plans to regulate 2nd amendment rights through executive order by saying "All options should be on the table." And with this I agree. If this is the only shot we are given then lets take it. The number of items that impeachment might be filed over in reaction to his past activities are already numerous but the attack on our God given rights that are spelled out in the second amendment is intolerable. 

Sarah Paskowitz
I agree with you about the legal aspect and also that if this pans out to be a way to get rid of him that we should. Americans can not tolerate this kind of activity that mimicks a dictatorship! We just can't! I have kids and I want them to know freedom, or as much as we have left anyway. Obama seem...
  • January 26, 2013
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Safari Woman
We have our fair share of decent representation in Florida. I think what you say about the situation is correct and I would also settle for impeachment. There is a site that lists all of the impeachable offenses of Obama so far and this would go on a list of many reasons but like you I think an atta...
  • January 26, 2013
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William Davis Hall
Anything that works lets do it. 
  • January 26, 2013
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Dale Barnes
There is more and more  talk of impeachment comiing out. I hope this is a good sign. (For us not him)
  • January 26, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
  • January 26, 2013
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