Here is the Useful Idiot Lineup for today sponsored by the Liberal Progressive Communist Party of America, aka Democrats. Poor little Lane Murdock doesn't feel safe... Sob! Perhaps Lane Murdock should spend more time on her studies to become more informed on the issues she is being coached to whine about.

So what does poor helpless Lane want to do:

-- Ban assault weapons, high-capacity magazines and bump stocks

-- Mandate universal background checks

-- Place a minimum age of 21 on all gun purchases

-- Implement waiting periods between a gun purchase and gun transfer

-- Allow families to petition a court to remove guns from individuals at risk of injuring themselves or others through extreme risk protective orders (ERPOs)

Well if anyone really believes poor little Lane thought this up by her lonsome, then they need their heads examined!

"Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed." ~ Joseph Stalin

Safari Woman
This entire list came out immedately as the agenda after Parkland and the group that primarily organized the DC protest already had it drawn up - the stupid kids - stupid stupid stupid kids -- were handed the script and acted it out for the glory of it all.... some day this - all of it - will come b...
  • April 20, 2018
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