R. A. Schultz



The term “liberal” has become overused and, some of that leftist persuasion feel, has become a pejorative to describe leftist individuals as well as their ridiculously stupid thoughts, actions, and legislative proposals.  Many left-leaning people have said they prefer to be called “progressives,” supposedly indicating that they are enlightened, forward-looking, positive, pro-improvement, superbly smart, tolerant, and open-minded.  In fact, what they’re doing is hiding the fact that their ideas are not only stale, outmoded, pro-big government, anti-freedom, and, frankly, they stink.



Far from being what they FEEL (Leftists don’t THINK) they are, leftists are quite obviously, congenitally stupid.  The human psyche is not only hard-wired to believe in God, it is also hard-wired to live in Freedom.  Leftists simply are unable to embrace this elemental fact and want no part of either God or Freedom.



Leftists are hard-wired to seek and exercise power over their fellow humans, even to the point of suppressing any and all ideas opposing their own.  They feel superior to everyone.  Their incessant whining for “gun control” means only that they wish to eliminate the threat to THEIR control over We the People.



It took some agonizing thought, as well as exposure to other pejorative terms used by friends and associates, such as the redundancy, “libtard,” as well as many other non-PC, insulting, and even unprintable terms, not to mention those expressing sufficient freedom of thought to land me in yet another suspension from certain social media, but I finally found the answer.



In one of those “Eureka Moments,” at about 3:30 AM one morning, I seized upon the term “PROGTURD.”  The PROG of course, is for “progressive,” and I’m sure we all know what a TURD is.  Right now, I can’t think of a more expressive term for our left-leaning adversaries that would actually BE printable, but if I do come up with one, I’ll be sure to let you know.




Are progturds dangerous?  YES!  But only when they get themselves installed in positions of power.  It’s our job to make sure this doesn’t happen!

Linda Mihalic
LOL! Excellent.
  • February 16, 2018
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Carl Spencer
Who is at the lead to tell them what to think, because as you pointed out, they don't know how to think.
  • February 16, 2018
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Safari Woman
hmm Soros ?
  • February 17, 2018
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