R. A. Schultz



It has been my experience that whenever there has been a legislative knee-jerk response to any tragedy, the result is invariably unenforceable, bad, stupid lawmaking that is ultimately reversed.



Until this morning, I hadn’t thought of Fox News persona Bret Baier as a wuss.  But there he was, on live TV this morning, whining and hand-wringing for several minutes that after the Las Vegas massacre, Congress has “done nothing.”  His theme was, “DO SOMETHING!”  Well, Bret, what the hell do you have in mind?  C’mon.  Speak up!  Just what the hell do you expect the central government’s legislative body to do?  If you’re thinking of Australia-like confiscation of all firearms, forget it.  It just ain’t gonna happen!



Congress MIGHT address what AG Sessions this morning referred to as the “intersection between gun violence and mental health,” and might there find something to work on, but even that, my dear Bret, wouldn’t have stopped the Las Vegas massacre, because the shooter had no known history of mental health issues.



Unfortunately for the lefties here in America, one of the common threads connecting all of the mass shooters in recent decades is that they have been registered Democrats.  Now, does anyone have any suggestions?


Linda Mihalic
"do something" is an emotional and immature response.
  • February 15, 2018
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