Today is the last chance to share my opinion and what I find important on twitter knowing it will go down in the Congressional Library archives. I intend to make this day count. 


"The Library of Congress announced on Tuesday that it will no longer archive every tweet posted publicly on Twitter.

The library had reached an agreement with Twitter in 2010 to acquire the text of every public tweet posted, but now it says it will only collect posts on a “selective basis.”

In a white paper released on Tuesday, the library said that the shift is due in part to Twitter’s recent decision to double the character limit on tweets and to the increased volume of posts since the agreement was first reached."

................. I have always kept their activity of collecting in mind over the years and thought it was a good thing they did it  to capture the truth in news and public opinion. Future generations may be lied to in their history books and propagandists may rewrite the times to reflect the slant of political victors, but truth seekers will be able to comb through the tweets to discover what really happened for as long as the archive is saved. 

Now, we have to wonder what types of reflective choices the Library will keep, which angle of opinion will they preserve and what will they either blow out of proportion or ignore much in the same way our current lame stream media ignores important news of the day that doesn't match the narrative they are loyal to. 

I won't stop using the Twitter site, because I find it too effective and informative, but I will from here on do so knowing, anything posted there is not a beacon to the future but may merely exist only at the mercy of the Twitter guards to keep it in their data banks. 

Now I have to go get busy making my mark on the Congressional record for what may be the very last time.



Safari Woman
I came out on twitter .... in this thread -- sharing here so friends may know, .. my heart and thoughts as this new year comes ahead.
  • December 31, 2017
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