R. A. Schultz


Any serious discussion of terrorism in the 21st Century must early on include a basic understanding of the source from which the overwhelming majority of terrorist acts arises, the later teachings of the prophet Mohammed embodied in the latter (Meccan) part of the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an.


The early (Medinan) part of the Qur’an containing the revelations of the Angel Gabriel to Mohammed while he lived in the city of Medina actually does portray Islam as a religion of peace, and many of these earlier verses have been cited by apologists as “proof” that Islam is indeed a religion of peace.  However, they ignore the doctrine of abrogation (see below).


Jihad normally is given two definitions.  The milder one, cited by many apologists for Islam, is one’s inner struggle against sin.  This may have been true during Mohammed’s stay in Medina, but the other, waging war against the enemies of Islam, has become the one we have come to know all too well.  “Jihad” has come to mean holy war against the Crusaders, us!


Sharia is the canonical law which stems from the words of the Prophet Mohammed, called the "hadith," his actions, called the "sunnah," and the Qur’an, which he dictated.


Some concepts inherent to Islam must be understood as a basis for a real understanding of Islamofascist jihad:


The doctrine of abrogationEarlier chapters, or suras, in the Qur’an are abrogated or canceled, by later chapters concerning the same subject matter.  Hence, the earlier peaceful character of the Qur’an is effectively canceled by its later teachings.


The doctrine of TaqiyyaMuslims may lie (or for that matter do just about anything) so long as Islam is advanced.  This renders treaties with Muslim nations meaningless as they may be broken at any time and, in any event, are not valid for more than ten years.


Islam is inherently politico-religiousIslam is not just a religion, but also a system of government.  The Qur’an is for many Muslim nations not just its religious foundation but also its political constitution.  This duality is exploited in open Western societies that guarantee freedom of religious worship.  It could very well be the key to the downfall of the West.


A couple of quotes from famous jihadis will provide further insight:


"In fact, Muslims are obligated to raid the lands of the infidels, occupy them, and exchange their systems of governance for an Islamic system, barring any practice that contradicts the sharia from being publicly voiced among the people, as was the case at the dawn of Islam....  Thus they make claims and speak about Allah without understanding.  They say that our sharia does not impose our particular beliefs upon others; this is a false assertion.  For it is, in fact, part of our religion to impose our particular beliefs upon others."



"The Lord Almighty has commanded us to hate the infidels and reject their love.  For they hate us and begrudge us our religion, wishing that we abandon it....  There is a firm bond between loving the Lord, befriending the believers, and [waging] jihad in the path of Allah.  Kindness and fair-dealing with those infidels who are not hostile toward us are not the same thing as friendship, which is forbidden."




Elements of Jihadist ideology:


This is a clash of civilizations Militant jihad is a religious duty before God, and therefore necessary for the salvation of one’s soul as well as for the defense of the Muslim nation.


Only two camps exist There can be no middle ground in an apocalyptic showdown between Islam and “the forces of evil,” defined not merely as “the West” but also Muslims that do not share al Qaeda’s vision of “true Islam.”


Violence by Muslims in the defense of Islam is the only solutionPeaceful coexistence with the West is a dangerous illusion.


Restrictions on the use of violenceMany of the theological and legal restrictions on the use of violence by Muslims do not apply to this war.  Given that the stakes are high, compunctions against violence only assist “the infidel.”


U.S. power is based on its economyTherefore, large-scale, mass-casualty attacks – especially focused on U.S. and other Western economic targets – are a primary goal.  Owing to events and circumstances previously discussed, this tenet appears to have been modified or even abrogated in favor of small group or individual, seemingly random, attacks.


“Apostate” regimes must goMuslim governments that cooperate with the West and that have not imposed Sharia law are religiously unacceptable and must be violently overthrown.


Although the jihadist movement remains extremely dangerous, it is not monolithic.  Some groups are focused on attacking the United States or its allies, while others view governments and leaders in the Muslim world as their primary targets.  The United States and its partners in the global war on terrorism must continue to use all means available to identify, target, and prevent the spread of these jihadist groups and their ideology.  Unfortunately, an energetic response to the jihad was for eight years impossible in light of the display of what might be described as a jihadophilic mindset of the Obama administration, which appeared to be encouraging the spread of Islamofascist ideology.  At the very best, the previous regime has been what can be best politely described as “soft on terrorism.”


We in the West may not think we are in a holy war, but the Islamofascists know that we ARE!  We are in a holy war against a politico-religious doctrine and way of life hopelessly stuck in the 7th century!


Religious liberty in the United States is guaranteed to be free from governmental interference by the First Amendment to our Constitution.  That a politico-religious doctrine would ever establish itself in the American Hemisphere was not a consideration of the framers at the time.  There can be no doubt that the bitterest enemies of our very way of life, the Islamofascist jihadis, are at this very moment taking extreme advantage of our guarantee of religious liberty to further their conquest of the world.  They are aided and abetted by the Make-Believe Media, naive and/or stupid politicians, and weak-minded judges who acquiesce in the establishment of Sharia law on our national territory.  It is increasingly urgent that this threat to our existence be seriously addressed at the national level, and that effective measures be put in place to combat it.



With no Islamic Reformation currently on the horizon, we cannot prevail against the Islamofascists and their push to establish Sharia law unless we address this threat and devise methods first to contain it, and then to eradicate it from our shores.

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