R. A. Schultz


Complete national governmental control of everything is the bottom-line definition of fascism, the leftist doctrine so avidly yet so stealthily promulgated during the failed presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.  Avidly because Hussein Obama is a rabid leftist ideologue and a power-hungry demagogue; stealthily because to admit to being a fascist is anathema to the schizophrenic left, those who still mouth the Stalinist concept that fascism is somehow a doctrine of the far right!  The establishment of a fascist state here in America was, and continues to be, the ultimate destination of Obama, Clinton, and all of their misguided following.


In all aspects of human endeavor, it is true that Freedom is the Petri dish for innovation.  Indeed, in the immortal words of Israeli General Moshe Dayan, “Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.”  The Framers of our Constitution envisioned a weak central government maximizing individual liberty and freedom. 


The vision had been, until the appearance of Obama on the political scene, incrementally bastardized, with more and more power gravitating toward the central government, the formerly sovereign states assuming the role of mere extensions or subdivisions of the national government.  With the advent of Obama, this bastardization made a quantum leap, effectively resulting in a proto-fascist state emerging and metastasizing prior to Obama’s departure from the White House.


Dismantling the monstrosity the central government has become is now our main task as we assist President Trump in Draining the Swamp and in doing so restoring our Freedom as well as that of our children and grandchildren. We are opposed in this worthy endeavor by people referring to themselves and their movement as “The Resistance,” so aptly represented by the street thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, among others, all of whose tactics precisely mimic those of Mussolini’s Black Shirts and Hitler’s Brown Shirts.


And so, the battle lines are clearly drawn, and our future and that of our country are surely in the Hands of God.




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