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Rep. Raul Graijalva, D-Ariz claimed the border wall President Trump promised will slaughter birds and bats because they may not be able to fly over it! Well, this is nuts to start with but besides that, there was no mention and no concern shown for what we know to be hundreds of thousands of birds and bats killed each year by solar and wind farms. 

The deaths include rare and endangered species such as our beloved Eagles, but I am still waiting to hear even one complaint by any lefty about any of those deaths. Why? Because it doesn't suit their narrative. 

 Audobon reports that from 140,000 - 200,000 birds are killed each year by turbines and LA Times reports the Ivanpah Solar Plant in San Bernardino county alone is killing 6,000 birds a year. 

WAKE UP AMERICA - Birds and bats can fly over a wall of a few feet in height, just like they can fly over buildings and mountains. What we should be investigating is the environmental cost of so called green energy and why the drastic loss of wildlife is continuously ignored.

Why do these people look so happy about the birds killed by green energy? I bet if you told them they were killed by a border wall they would have a different look on their faces. 

Appropriate signage, in Spanish, of course, should be affixed to the the wall just below the peak, directing birds and bats unable to clear the wall to official border control points, where they can walk through into the USA after showing appropriate documentation. Additionally, I'm personally offe...
  • May 13, 2017
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Walter D.
  • May 22, 2017
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