Due to recent news on the elitist rings of child pedophilia related to "satanic" rituals and sacrifices, I started investigating the origins of these practices and which systems of rituals are the most used today.

In Western civilizations, including the USA, I found it appears the most used system is based on the Kabbalah where the original teachings have been perverted. An example is the system practiced and preached by Aleister Crowley. This system seems to be the one predominantly followed by Hollywood and the entertainment media types and those affiliated with them. The pyramids, one eye, tree of life and similar easily recognizable symbols used throughout their industry is one clue to their chosen system.

The level of perversion of the original teachings of the Kabbalah is reflected in whether the abuse of children is incorporated by the group participating. In the same way, no two Christian denominations are exactly alike, and sometimes there are vast differences even within denominations, there is also a variety of beliefs and practices found in this perverse system. Some groups may branch further into sex magik, some may sacrifice animals and not be engaged in any way with the abuse of children, others may skirt the edge of legitimacy with only slight deviations from the original teachings. 

The seemingly second more popular system I found is based on a brand of Satanism twisted in a perverse way out of Christianity and especially the Catholic church which already has in place a set of rituals to be drawn from. Black masses, the belief in conjuring entities and the dead can be shared by both groups but their ritualistic methodology is in some ways different than the one based more dominantly on perverting the Kabbalah alone. They share certain methods and beliefs in the same way Christianity is born from the history of the Jewish culture and tradition, yet Christianity departs sharply with the belief in and focus on Jesus Christ. In this twisted and perverted system there is also a shared basis of beliefs and a departure with the focus being on the Anti Christ. 

I found references to many versions of both of these systems with numerous overlapping methods, but really it is not the point of this article to explore them as neither are by the nature of their existence the ultimate cause of the pedophilia and child sacrifice involved. (imho)

I primarily bring these two systems up because of the confusion I found on the internet about which belief system is to blame for the disappearance of children, their enslavement into sex rings and in some cases the taking of their life in ritualistic sacrifice. Studying this from the USA, where western civilization prevails and information fed to my searches will support the location I am in, I find Jews or Catholics about equally blamed. It is very unfortunate that too often blame is not just limited to those who have departed from the true religious teachings to practice such horrific acts, but the entire group of people who are members of the legitimate religious groups suffer along with them!

I read through site after site making a point that one or the other of these two groups of people is to blame and the same arguments were made in commentary by readers. I am taking so much time to point these things out here because I think only when we stop blaming one or the other groups will we discover what is really going on behind these horrific practices.

For one thing, blaming either group does not explain ritualistic child abuse and sacrifice recorded in ancient history from parts of the world not influenced by the western world or it's fundamental belief systems. If we look back, we see the ritualistic sacrificing of children has been recorded world wide and going on for thousands of years. So, regardless of which ever system may be used today, the idea that ritualistic sacrifice works for what ever end existed in time beyond the development of either of the systems mentioned above, and in places not connected to their reach.  

I don't believe in coincidences and while studying this subject, I "happened" to stumble onto the video I've posted below by David Icke. I had no idea due to the title it goes by that it would contain what I consider to be a reasonable explanation for the question I have been searching to answer.  That is, "WHY?" Why do people practice pedophilia and ritualistic child abuse and sacrifice, and why have they done this for thousands of years? What is it they need out of it, what do they get? To say evil exists for the sake of evil itself doesn't seem like a big enough answer to the specific acts I am writing about. 

To summarize David's comments, the entities - some may call demons, aliens, jinn, gods, evil beings and so forth, use the energy of either sexually abused children or the release of their life force during sacrifice, as their power source. They "feed" off of the release of this energy, if you want to think of it in a different way. The humans performing the acts are their conduits. Trust me; he puts it much better and goes into more details in the video. David explains it in context of quantum physics and using something we can more easily understand, computers and their programs. 

The first video is ran up to the minute where he starts to describe the cause of it. But I would highly recommend you listen to the entire video for a better understanding. I had an aha moment. Maybe you will too. Or, maybe you have a different pov in which case I would love to hear it. 

We can't stop this from happening until we understand and eliminate the cause. If he is right, the cause is in what some may call the unseen or spiritual realm and no amount of working against groups carrying this out on the earthly plane will stop it. 

But what we can stop here on earth, is blaming entire legitimate religious groups of people for their systems that have been twisted by sick minds to serve evil rather than good. 

The second attachment of the video starts at the beginning. 

Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
For Safari;
Simple; People have always preferred Lucifer over God. Part of original sin, imho.
Sex/blood magic is suppose to give you power over others, long life, illumination w/o having to put up with those annoying Laws of God's... much easier to rape children and slaughter people, than say "Yes Si...
  • December 17, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
Did you by any chance read this or the explanation given by David? I also would have generally answered like this before I started searching for wth is going on with this belief. What is it about this practice specifically that serves the "evil" in the universe is what I was going for. The answer Da...
  • December 17, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
If you examine it closely, David espouses the same teachings as Alice A. Bailey. Should I allow the new age back in?
  • December 17, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
Being I can't say I'm an expert on either Bailey or David, I didn't catch that connection. I have probably listened to more of David than I've ever looked into Bailey though as when I was studying along these lines and came across her something in me made me dismiss her teachings very quickly and I ...
  • December 17, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
They both channel the "acendant masters". It now depends on who you want to influance your thoughts, God or demons.
  • December 17, 2016
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Linda Mihalic
His answer is "plausible," not truthful.
  • December 17, 2016
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Linda Mihalic
Those who CHOOSE to do evil then murder and sacrifice victims do so because they seek to enslave the soul through time and through successive incarnations. A soul so enslaved will return but be in bondage to the will of the evil one. Read Genesis 14, which applies to this very issue. Because people ...
  • December 17, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
I find somewhat to be unconfortable with in your above. The following sentence would lead one to think God is "various";
"Because the Western church has axed the doctrine of many lives, called reincarnation, it has prevented any clear understanding of the long-term LINEAR (running through time) natur...
  • December 17, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks for your input and insight! I understand and very much agree with this "I am horrified when I read that the study of Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah, is named as the source of such evil, when it was the bastardized use that Alister Crowley made of its symbols that did. Kabbalah is the VICTIM o...
  • December 17, 2016
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I couldn't watch the video, because I didn't care to bombard myself with the surreal pics it was putting up, but I did listen to it. Some of it I agreed with, some not.
I agree with his analogy that what you put into a computer is what you can expect to get out of it. Same way with mankind. When peop...
  • December 17, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
TY for the input Cuz, I mostly just listened and didn't realize there were a lot of odd images. The guy doing the interview made the video. === 
Me too some I agree with some not when taking the whole video into consideration. 
I hope nothing I said indicated I think new age is an answer to anything...
  • December 17, 2016
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Thanks Wanda. I'm glad you brought this topic up.
I am of the opinion that until the Fall there were no choices for man but good ones. When mans eyes were opened to see both good and evil is when the opportunity came about to discover pleasure in evil. Maybe we need to look at what is the the basis ...
  • December 17, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
Before the fall .... if we are given choice and there is no test then how does it matter if we have choice or not? IMHO It doesn't. The entire process of a life is a test. 
What is interesting to me are the people who do get the rush from doing good - and still do evil as well. Maybe any rush is wha...
  • December 18, 2016
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That is a good point...maybe any rush is what they seek. That would fit Al Capone's life. From what I've read he was very generous.
I agree that there had to have been child sexual abuse in the past and it wasn't recorded. I find it hard to believe that this is a recent thing.
  • December 18, 2016
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Lucas Delgado
I have to get off to work before I can watch this. I'll hold my thoughts until I can see think it over.
  • December 18, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks I would be interested to know your ideas. 
  • December 18, 2016
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I don't like to think about this still going on. It seems like something you would only see in a movie or hear about happening a long time ago. I know it probably does still happen and I think it is so terrible that people don't want to think about it, so they don't accept it is true. When I was you...
  • December 18, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
We did similar when we were children. We believed every word while the stories were told, but none of us wanted to believe they were really true.
Imho, the stories were true, and were true from the beginning. As for Cosmic Pizza, I haven't seen any child victims, personally, but, imho, all the signs ...
  • December 18, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter
If it hadn't been so late and I had more time and focus I would have mentioned witchcraft too - but that is way down the list for blame at least that I found. And then we have so many kinds of witchcraft! Every group I've ever read about was distinct and maybe some practiced certain of these same ty...
  • December 18, 2016
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Robert Kenard
  • December 19, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
In a holographic universe, who was the first observer?
Been asking that for years, and none have given the answer I demand.
  • December 19, 2016
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Linda Mihalic
Only God.
  • December 19, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
  • December 19, 2016
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