12/14/16 7:47 PM

(I sent this to my representative)

RE: 403.7033 Departmental analysis of particular recyclable materials.—The Legislature finds that prudent regulation of recyclable materials is crucial to the ongoing welfare of Florida’s ecology and economy.

Banning of Plastic Bags

I have lived in a state with this law and it didn't help. It made prices go up to cover more expensive packaging or cost consumers money in providing their own carryalls.

No one liked this law.

I clean up the beach of my own accord and even do road pick up if I am biking and see trash. It isn't trash bags on the side of the road so much as it is cups, cigarette butts, bottles, aluminum cans and other odds and ends. The help it would give to the environment would be minimal for the inconvenience it would cause and the cost to consumers.

I feel like this is getting way too "nanny state" to exert such a control over businesses and their customers which will impact their finances and their convenience of shopping.

Take a ride down a road with trash sometime or look around at the beach after a busy day to see what it is that is actually littering. If you get rid of trash bags then you should also get rid of plastic cups, straws, chip wrappers, cigarettes, aluminum cans, glass bottles and other items.

On the other hand, take a look in a trash container at the beach sometime. What you will see is people using the plastic bags to gather up their trash and deposit it there! And this is what I found in the other state, without the plastic bags, people toss way more items or leave them behind without something to gather them in. 

Thank you for your consideration

Cezar Scribe
Why not bags made of kenaf?

  • December 14, 2016
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Lucas Delgado
I don't find too many bags floating around the ocean. Mostly we find Styrofoam packing, cups or plates.
  • December 18, 2016
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