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All of the following can be found in;

"You know Something is Wrong When..... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause", by Anna Maria Riezinger & James Clinton Belcher, pgs 165-168.

The Old Version:

1) The "Internal Revenue Service, Inc" is hired as an accounting service to keep track of credit accruing in the account of, say, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, an estate trust created by the UNITED STATES (INC) under the laws of Washington DC Municipal Government (an independent, international City-State). The associated nine-digit Master Account Number is used as an Employer Number written like this: *123456789*, representing the credit side of the account.

2) The "IRS (INC)" is hired to perform the billing service of the governmental services corporation and to keep track of the debt accruing against the account of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, using the Master Account Number as a Taxpayer Identification Number written like this: "123-45-6789", representing the debt side of the account.

3) You, the living man named "John Quincy Adams" are presumed to be a voluntary Withholding Agent responsible for keeping these accounts balanced, but you are never told anything about this job, or how to do it, so you "mistakenly" pay the bill owed by JOHN QUINCY ADAMS out of your own pocket.

The New Version:

A new version of the "INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (INC)" run by a new FEDERAL RESERVE - all ultimately run by the UN Corporation - takes over.

*** PLESASE TAKE NOTE: You are still presumed to be a voluntary WITHHOLDING AGENT and still NOT told what that means or what to do or how to do it, yet when you sign a 1040 Form every year, you swear under penalty of perjury that you are a Withholding Agent, and that you did the job correctly... or else.***

What Should Happen, But Doesn't;

The IRS should send you a statement showing how much is owed by the JOHN QUINCY ADAMS account #123-45-6789, along with a clearly marked Voucher or Payment Coupon asking for permission to request transfer of credit from the JOHN QUINCY ADAMS account #123456789 to zero out the Master Account.  

This merely requires you to sign the Voucher in Upper and Lower Case Signature (corporate officers have signatures, living men and women have autographs); John Quincy Adams, dated, and the following statement, "Accepted one time only for settlement of account as of date, and in the amount shown."

That authorizes the "IRS" to bill the "Internal Revenue Service", or vice-versa in the new system, and allows the transfer of credit between the "Employer Account" and the "Taxpayer Account".  

This is what you should be doing as a Withholding Agent, but, because you don't have the foggiest notion what SHOULD be going on, and because as a Withholding Agent you are still required to settle the account, somehow, you get stuck paying for it with your labor - again, "voluntarily".

SO, all these years, you have been "voluntarily" donating all this money on behalf of "YOUR" account (an account you did NOT create in the first place, nor did you give fully informed consent to create such... you were, initially, and infant, remember?), a Cestui Vie Estate Trust created under Washington DC Municipal Law, and operated out of Puerto Rico.

As a trust "JOHN QUINCY ADAMS" (insert "your" own account name, if you like) is a corporation, so all profit it makes above expenses separated from capital is "income". The living man (you) never has "income" --- only private property accruals.) 

So, "JOHN QUINCY ADAMS" (or "YOU", if you please) owes an "income tax". And what is that tax for? Technically, it is an Excise Tax on the privilege to importing revenue into Puerto Rico. (Neat, huh?)

Now, here's where the scam is really made obvious.

They tax you, the living man (woman), for the privilege of donating your money to them... and they literally laugh all the way to the bank, which, unknown to you, set up the account in "YOUR NAME" without your knowing consent. This is an international crime known as "unlawful conversion".

An international crime... did that grab your attention? Or is it just me?

Congressmen Louis T. McFadden, Co-Chair of the House Banking Subcommittee, recognized it for what it was and objected to this criminality at the time it was instituted in 1934. He lodged his complaint with the House Judiciary Committee.

His charges are still waiting to be heard.



Sister Sarah
I could not detest the IRS and the forced indenture to it more than I already do. I was studying it in the seventies and it has gotten worse since then. When I saw the IRS go after the TEA Party groups I knew we crossed a line of no return. I am in a fair tax group in my county not because I think w...
  • December 28, 2015
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Cezar Scribe
Time to revolt.
  • December 28, 2015
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