First, a little wisdom this fine morning;

"Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges. -  When the Republic is at it's most corrupt, the laws are most numerous."

Cornelius Tacitus

Second, a little blurb from Pierre van Passen's "Days of Our Years" circa 1939;

"For today Rome considers the Fascist regime the nearest to it's dogma and interests. We have not merely the Jesuit Father Coughlin praising Mussolini's Italy as a "Christian Democracy", but Civilta Cattolica (house organ of the Jesuits) says quite frankly;

Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome."

New York: Hillman-Curl, Inc, 1939, pg 465

Civilta Cattolica can be found here;

Pope Pius XI has told us that the Encyclical "Rerum Novarum" was instrumental in ending laissez faire capitalism in the Twentieth century by ushering in the era of "effective interference by the government";

"Rerum Novarum ..., was the voice of moral authority needed to ensure the development of effective interference by all governments in the Twentieth century."

"It is not surprising, therefore, that under the teaching and guidance of the Church, many learned priests and laymen earnestly devoted themselves to the problem of elaborating social and economic science in accordance with the conditions of our age..."

"..., Under the guidance of Leo's encyclical Rerum Novarum, (1891) was thus evolved a truly Christian social science, which continues to be fostered and enriched by the tireless labors of those picked men whom we have named auxiliaries of the Church..."

"Nor were these the only blessings which followed from the encyclical. The doctrine of Rerum Novarum began, little by little, to penetrate among those who, being outside the Catholic unity, do not recognize the authority of the Church; and these Catholic principles of sociology gradually became part of the intellectual heritage of the whole human race..." 

"Thus too, we rejoice that the Catholic truths so vigorously by our illustrious predecessor are advanced and advocated not merely in non-catholic books and journals, but frequently in legislative assemblies and courts of justice." 

Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno", 1931, pgs 46-48, selected quotes from text ( )

A little further into that document, we find these gems;

"Under Fascism, the property owner may keep their property titles and deeds, but the use of their property is, as Leo XIII wrote, "Common".

Fascism is the form of socialism that retains the form and trappings of capitalism, but not it's substance. Under Fascism, property titles and deeds are intact, but the institution of private property has disappeared. Government regulations and mandates have replaced it. 

For this distinction between ownership and actual use, the Fascists owe a debt to the Roman Church State." (pg 58)

"The experiment with economic freedom must end, and economic life must again be subjected to planning and government." (pg 66)

"When we speak of the reform of institutions, the State comes chiefly to mind, not as if universal well being were to be expected from it's activity, but because things have come to to such a pass through the evil of what we have termed "Individualism", that following upon the overthrow and near extinction of that rich social life which was once highly developed through associations of various kinds... " (pg 78)

"The social policy of the State, therefore, must devote itself to the re-establishment of industries and professions." (pg 82)


So, still want to have unity with the "universal" Church? If so, why?


Linda Mihalic is online.
Randy, when ANY church or denomination becomes more interested in money than in the welfare of the souls under its care, Belial has filled that sect with vicious corruption. That's why Christ said "My kingdom is not of this world."
  • November 8, 2015
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I have often wondered why the Catholic Church has such wealth that they SIT on. What good is a Rembrandt if there is no one to see it.
  • November 8, 2015
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I have thought the same thing - they talk about taking care of the poor, etc. yet I have never, ever heard of anyone in Rome even offering the idea to sell all their holdings, art, priceless artifacts, etc and giving it all away. What hypocrisy.
  • November 11, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Yet, this "church" has set up (via the Curia) ALL the legal systems and corporations now in existence. If what you say is true, and what I say is true, what does that say about those of us who are "legal" in all things?
  • November 8, 2015
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  • November 11, 2015
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Lucas Delgado
This is something I obviously need to read up on. As for the Church I attend, my fellow members are wonderful people. Are we all misguided? I thought when I was younger that it was odd we weren't encouraged to either read the bible or question our faith. Anything wholesome will welcome both. I don't...
  • November 9, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
I have been hesitant to bring this up, mainly because there are good people here who are catholic... then the thought came to me;
Am I a college administrator that I should provide a "safe-space/place" for my charges?

No. We are adult men and women, rational to the extent of our abilities, and we can ...
  • November 9, 2015
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Lucas Delgado
I think you should post on this subject whether Catholics take it as offensive or not. I don't. I want nothing more than to know the truth first in spirit and second in the world. I think my spirit has always been tugged to investigate. I have enough Catholic guilt built in me to cause me to hesitat...
  • November 9, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Thank you. You have accepted my work in the same spirit in which it was given.
Was drawn to this via a study of Law. Was an atheist for many decades, albeit a questioning one. Finding God in all true Law was confusing, to say the least.
Then, the study of His Word became paramount, for upon it rest a...
  • November 9, 2015
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Lucas Delgado
God's law is the only law I am obligated to by my dedication to the living Christ.
  • November 12, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
You reply well, brother.
  • November 12, 2015
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Having grown up believing that America was always on the right side and the good buys ride white horses, I am not able to accept that all types of organizations have blemishes and battle scars.

I learned to take what I easily understand and leave the others alone.
  • November 9, 2015
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I never recall being discouraged from read the Bible. In 1972, I even belonged to a Bible reading group. But you WERE talking about events long, long, ago.
  • November 9, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
I'm not at all certain you would be ready to hear what is still recent history for many in the world. It's not pleasant.
  • November 9, 2015
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Robert Kenard
Nothing will change until all is exposed.
  • November 11, 2015
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Good saying.
  • November 11, 2015
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Lucas Delgado
I wasn't discouraged as a child but neither was I encouraged. My mother had a bible on a little alter in our living room. I can't recall ever seeing her or my father read it. We went to church. She believed the church was the authority on the bible and that the average person couldn't be. I didn't s...
  • November 12, 2015
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