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I don't really subscribe to a lot of conspiracy theories although I enjoy reading about them sometimes, but this is a rather odd coincidence if indeed it was a coincidence. I haven't seen the Dark Knight Movie so I am assuming he and others who commented on these videos saw it and blew up the scene showing the map of Sandy Hook as is shown as well as that it shows the Aurora Building in the movie.

The two mass murderers involved in this, Holmes and Lanza were also a lot like Loughner in their personality types. I have elsewhere called them cookie cutter monsters because they are so much alike. But it makes me wonder if what is implicated here which is that there is an ulterior motive connection to these two elements and the Hollywood movie is true OR if it is possible that Lanza saw the Dark Knight movie and was also inspired by Holmes to commit his own atrocity and have it related to this movie. He destroyed his computers so it probably will never be known if this was how his mind worked or if this is indicative of a larger plot.


Sarah Paskowitz
This is really strange............. maybe you are right that he decided to hitch his rope to Holmes' cart 
  • December 19, 2012
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Shy Girl
I think the whispering I was hearing around here about events leading up to 2012 are starting to look like they were meant to throw people off. Because there has not been a large amount of events or hype about it as it was anticipated due to the rumors being spread. So this makes me think to see Aur...
  • December 20, 2012
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