July 6, 2015
It doesn't matter that I have to be up and at it in a few hours, I can't sleep. One of the things going through my mind the most is centered around the American flag. I've seen a lot of pictures of it over the past few days due to the 4th of July. But it isn't just the flag, which in reality is a piece of cloth, it is what it symbolizes that is keeping me awake. After reading stories and comments from all sorts of points of view, I realize there are many reasons why anyone might not look at the American flag with any type of reverence, especially now when so much appears to be lost of the pride it should stand for.
While I understand reasoning behind the disgust, the disgrace, the betrayal and the haunting memories of lives cut short under it's watch, this isn't what I think of when I see it.
When I look at the American flag, and sometimes place my hand over my heart, it is the ideals that I visualize, love and salute. I'm not unrealistic enough to think we have lived up to them but I am not pessimistic enough to think that some day we can't. The ideals I am thinking of are the ones that make it possible for the American Dream to live on. Freedom, Justice, and Hope are what I think of when I look at the American flag, never minding what has been done by those who operate under it's jurisdiction.
When I pledge the allegiance to the flag, something now so much removed from the teaching of children or in the operations of private or government business affairs, I am not pledging to the lies that have been told. I pledge to the truth about a better way to live given these three so called American ideals. None of these things are granted to any other than to a nation under God. God is the light shining these ideals even while we have been stepping further and further away from them through many generations since the founding of this nation starting long before we had the flag we see today or the pledge we say.
It is FOR these ideals that I pray, that we may find our way back to them. It is in reverence that I remember the sacrifices made by those who serve or served for the love of the same ideals to the point of risk of life. I just keep thinking, we can't give up. We must continue to pray for America.
God bless America. Help us to live up to our ideals.
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