The  ‘‘Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015’’ better known as the Omnibus spending bill  (Latin for everything) is currently being held up in the US senate by Ted Cruze, and Mike Lee, who apparently are the only the ones not willing to give the president everything he wants. According to CSPAN a second Cloture vote will ensue and the bill will be brought to the floor. Harry Reid can either pass the bill, with votes from defeated Democratic Senators, or remove anything good in the bill and send it back to the House.

Either way any real debate over funding the illegal Executive orders, will be over. The newly elected Republicans will have to wait until September to try stop Obama's agenda and use of executive orders. By then it will be too late.  Obama will have gotten away with what was unimaginable only five years ago.

The Blaze
reported that "Cruz said his point of order states that the bill violates the separation of powers provisions in the Constitution, language enumerating the powers of Congress, and language that says the president must faithfully execute the laws. “It is incumbent on this body to resolve those constitutional questions, and to honor and protect the constitutional authority of the United States Congress,”...."

Mike Lee pointed out, in his remarks on the floor of the senate,  "we don't have the luxury of blaming this latest failure on the outgoing Senate majority. No. This one's on us. Americans just last month thought they went to the polls and voted for change to stop this kind of thing".  Breitbart reported that "During Senator Lee's poignant and heartfelt floor speech, he declared that the CRomnibus was a "perfect" representation of everything that is wrong with Washington."

I could point out that the also bill funds Obamacare, stricter EPA rules, a Bank Bailout, Global warming initiatives,  arming Syrian forces and a host of other boondoggles and encroachments on our liberty.
However, we are seeing in real time the dissolution of the American Constitutional form of government. 

We may not be able to stop it but two Senators have given us an opportunity to try, Call your Senators , let them know that you want them to vote no on cloture on the ‘‘Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015’
For Many of us that is means Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Nelson. If their voice mailbox is full,  contact their satellite office,  with twitter, or their face book page (Rubio's).

Just do this one thing, knowing that you can tell you children and grandchildren that you at least tried to save the first nation founded on Liberty for their generation.

Wanda Hope Carter
I'm starting to think that I don't care what Ted's status is - (we already have a usurper) and that he would make a great President. He is the only one I've consistently seen stand up for what is right time and again.
  • December 13, 2014
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Joseph Ryan
The only hope of salvaging this country is to have a President that will be willing to give power back to the people, That makes the list pretty small. Jeb Bush is definitely NOT on that list.
  • December 19, 2014
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