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I can very much relate to this author's feelings although I did not grow up in the same circumstances as he did. My mother and father were both admirers of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Republicans. I grew up having to defend my parents being Republicans even though the community around me claimed to respect Dr King, they knew nothing of his politics.

It makes me very sad and angry to see people who share the same color of skin as me giving up their dignity, freedom, self worth and any chance they have to break out of the cycles of poverty, broken families and welfare to the group they think is saving them which are really the ones holding them back. I think "Bold" conservatives as mentioned in this article have a more difficult road ahead of them than they did four years ago. For my daughter's sake I won't give up on hoping that some day, we shall overcome.

From the article:

"Group-think isn’t reducing our murder rate. Nor the single mother household rate. Nor the increasing number of males under state supervision. Nor unemployment, middle-class asset attrition, and other negative quality-of-life indicators.

We demand nothing of the party we support and impose gag orders on frank discussion on our condition.

Such group-think gives Democrats our vote without them even needing to earn it. This group-think placed Obama on a pedestal so high that even his abject failure to address our economic crisis still earned him almost 100% of our vote.

Black now means Obama supporter. As an individualist, I don’t allow others to define me. That’s why I said for the duration of his second term, I’ll no longer call myself “Black” since this is now linked to approving of him.

“Bold” is my new ethnic identifier. It’s not a stretch since I’ve fought opposition without hesitation for a lifetime. After all the racism Black Baby Boomers and my Generation X has seen, it’s tragic to see us goosestep behind this brightest star in the Black Faces In High Places constellation.

Our group-think also places a gag order on denouncing a growing Ghetto class whose vulgarity and violence send Black professionals in orbit faster than the White Flight liberals love noting."

Dale Barnes
This is a very important commentary. I am glad you shared it. For your daughter's sake and all of our children's sakes, don't give up. With God's help surely, we will overcome. 

If not then the end of times will be a blessing to his Children to finally be able to go home. 
  • November 29, 2012
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William Davis Hall
Thank you Dale. 
  • December 3, 2012
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Lucas Delgado
My parents were very poor but proud people. They both worked sometimes two jobs to avoid the shame of accepting help. It also pains me to see so many hispanics, especially the people I grew up with support a party that gives them just enough to survive in poverty along with the system that keeps the...
  • December 2, 2012
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Sarah Paskowitz
Same here Lucas we were poor but no one ever mentioned the option of taking government help. That was for the real needy and disabled. Now a days it seems like people take pride in seeing who can get the most free stuff.
  • December 3, 2012
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William Davis Hall
You hit the nail on the head Ms Paskowitz. Now people brag about the things they got for free. They have no self esteem. This is what makes me sad and angry to see in the people I know. 
  • December 3, 2012
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William Davis Hall
Thank you Mr Delgado. Best of luck to you as well.  
  • December 3, 2012
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