Lord Monckton, before addressing the Non-Governmental Panel on Climate Change ( I love this SLAP at the moonbats) going on in Las Vegas, had THIS to say.

The man makes a LOT of sense. THAT is why the S.S. Waffen of the global warming Nazi movement HATES him. This article is a bit long, I urge you to stay with it.

From CNSNews.com



Monckton: Political Danger Rises As Evidence of Global Warming Declines

July 7, 2014 – 4:32 PM  By Barbara Hollingsworth

(CNSNews.com) – Although the latest temperature data from the Remote Sensing System’s (RSS) satellite shows no global warming for 17 years, 10 months, Lord Christopher Monckton warned that “the danger to democracy gets more severe as the climate problem begins to look less and less severe.”

Monckton, who will be delivering a keynote address Wednesday at the Heartland Institute’s Ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas, warned that  “the totalitarians around the world have now seized upon climate change as the central weapon they’re going to use to get the countries of the West in particular to agree, in very large areas of policy, to abandon democracy in favor of government by an international elite that nobody elects.”

“And I’m going to say there is a danger to democracy in the way that this is developing,” he told CNSNews.com.

“And it’s going to be a race to see whether we can stop the worst happening, which is going to be in Paris in December next year, by continuing just to go on telling the truth about:

  • What is actually happening to the temperature, which is it hasn’t risen now for getting on for a couple of decades;

  • What’s actually happening to sea level, which is that it’s barely rising at all, and may even be falling;

  • The truth about hurricanes, which is that they’ve shown no increase for 150 years;

  • The truth about floods and droughts, which is they’ve shown no particular change ever since man could have had an influence;

  • The truth about various extreme weather events, which is that they have always happened in the past, will be likely always to happen in the future, and don’t appear to have any particular link with us.”

“We have to get this truth out and get it out clearly and very quickly,” Monckton said.

“Because this is not a scientific matter at all. It’s a political matter. It’s an excuse for the absolute centralization of power in hands which we do not elect. And I’m an old-fashioned believer in the wisdom of crowds, expressed through the ballot box. I don’t want to see us lose that,” he added.

“At the moment, we are in grave danger of losing it, and the next big moment of danger will be in Paris in December of next year, which is their next big push, same style as Copenhagen, to inflict this climate treaty finally upon us whether we like it or not.”

According to the satellite data, the Earth stopped warming in August of 1996, nearly 18 years ago.

“The governing class is being proved wrong every month as the next lot of temperature data come out,” said Monckton, a former aide to British prime minister Margaret Thatcher who is now the chief policy advisor at the Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI).

He also pointed out that the actual global temperature rise is “exactly half of what was predicted in the IPCC’s [U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] first report 25 years ago, and well below the lowest rate they predicted.”

“And this at a time when CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is rising at record levels,” he said. “Even I am surprised there’s no warming, and I’m now going back and looking at my equations and saying have I over-egged the pudding as well in saying we can expect any warming from CO2?”

Monckton calls the lack of any statistically significant temperature increase even as CO2 emissions have increased dramatically over the past 17 years “a puzzle which has certainly shaken the climate modeling community to its foundations. They are privately and internally very worried by this,” he told CNSNews.com.

“They won’t say so publicly because they want to go on getting lots of grants to go on pretending there’s a problem and they need to have these vast models, which have been so relentlessly wrong in the direction of exaggeration ever since they first started doing this. But privately they are deeply concerned.”

The lack of global warming does not justify the “enormous financial cost” involved in trying to reduce carbon emissions worldwide, Monckton said.

“Even if they were right on the science, the correct policy economically is to spend nothing now and pay the cost of later and lesser adaptation to such warming as may happen,” he told CNSNews.com. “It’s still cheaper to do nothing and let it happen than try to stop it now. Ten to a hundred times cheaper.”

Monckton praised the work of Dr. David Evans, a Stanford-trained electrical engineer, who found a “mysterious notch filter” that shows the sun’s magnetic field declining during times of maximum solar radiation in roughly 11-year cycles.

“What David Evans has done over the past two years…is construct a complete and working climate model of his own…researching incoming solar radiation using hundreds of data sets which he has managed to link to the calculating engine in his model, so it is an enormous piece of work.”

“And he’s found that you can account for the whole of the temperature change since, I think 1749, solely by looking at changes in solar radiation,” Monckton said.

According to Evans, “the fans of the CO2 dominant models are not going to be happy. It seems the climate is an 80-20 sort of thing, where there is a dominant influence responsible for 80% of climate change and a tail of 20% of other factors. It turns out that the CO2 concentration is not the 80% factor, but in the 20% tail. An indirect solar influence seems to be the main factor.”

“The notch-delay (ND) solar theory provides a second, alternative solution to the climate problem. No longer is climate a ‘one horse race’, where you are limited to either supporting the CO2 theory or focusing on its deficiencies,” Evans writes, noting that his new theory “predicts imminent global cooling.”

“The carbon dioxide and ND solar theories have been in agreement over the last century due to generally rising carbon dioxide and solar radiation, but now they sharply diverge.” Evans pointed out. “Only one of them can be correct, and soon we’ll know which one.”

“I know of five different groups at the moment working on the solar radiation theory, taking different approaches to it,” Monckton told CNSNews.com. “All coming to more or less the same conclusions: That you can indeed use the sun to explain everything… So that part of the official story line, which says that there is no way we can explain recent warming except by CO2, is no longer true.”

Monckton was also part of a group that debunked the often-repeated claim that 97 percent of climate scientists believe that past global warming was generated by human activity. The claim came up again at a hearing of the Senate Environmental and Public Works Subcommittee last month.

“We had to read that very paper that they’re citing,” Monckton told CNSNews.com. “We had to deconstruct it. We took their data file of 11,994 published papers on climate and related fields from 1991 to 2011 and did two searches, one manual and one computerized to make sure we got the result right. And we found that the people who had originally conducted that survey had themselves marked only 64 papers – or 0.5 percent of the entire sample – as saying that most of the warming since 1950 was caused by us.”

“That’s the consensus. It’s 0.5 percent,” he said.

Read more at: http://www.cnsnews.com/ne...


I hold the UK chiefly responsible for the Islamic encroachment of the Western world and the resultant political problems. I have nothing against Monckton but it seems ironic to me that NOW he's willing to address the dangers in today's political landscape!
  • July 9, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Wasn't he part of the Thatcher Gov't.? I'll have to go look for that I guess....

Better late than never to finally get some common sense.
  • July 9, 2014
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This says it all...

"to get the countries of the West in particular to agree, in very large areas of policy, to abandon democracy in favor of government by an international elite that nobody elects.”

This is exactly what is happening, ever since Gore lost to BUSH. he has used the scare tactics of Glob...
  • July 9, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Unfortunately for them....Canada isn't going for it. PM Harper is not going to give up his power and substitute it for theirs! Heck...he's even be peeving off the UN big time as he won't capitulate on anything.....
  • July 9, 2014
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Robert Kenard
This is their end game in that it is the capstone of the pyramid of power. The less likely it seems they will get it in place through deception and coercion, then naturally the more likely it is they will use force.
  • July 9, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
It's part and parcel of Agenda 21 and the NWO as far as I can tell....
  • July 9, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Yep...Lord Monckton was with PM Thatcher!

Lord Christopher Monckton

Chief Policy Advisor, Science and Public Policy Institute

Email: monckton@mail.com

Christopher Monckton, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, is chief policy advisor to the Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI). He has held pos...
  • July 9, 2014
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