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This isn't a source I would normally post, but I'm all for spreadinng truth where ever I find it.

By looking at this time line it paints a picture of the robbing of freedom in the name of national security. This could have only taken place with the help of the media and by those looking the other way when "their side" does it.

From Bush to Obama, we see more has happened under the Obama regime.

But in reality the sides are divided not by political parties but by those who fight to protect our rights under the constitution and those who work at stripping away those rights.


Janice  Vicks
I had a feeling the Patriot act was the first of many excuses for violations to come. I was never a fan.
  • November 30, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
Agreed. You could smell that one coming.
  • December 1, 2013
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Carl Spencer
I didn't see the danger in the patriot act at first. I was naïve and thought it would only be used to catch the bad guys. Now I know better. If this time line had gone back further there are probably lesser known laws that stepped us closer to the patriot act.
  • December 1, 2013
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