The problem with the Democrat House, Senate and President that we can thank for giving us the biggest tax hike in American history and the destruction of health care in America, is that none of them have likely read either the bible or the bill that they couldn't wait to shove down our throats. 

The only good thing I can see to come out of Obamacare is that the liberals have no one to complain to but themselves and being the self centered politically correct mind controlled sheep that they are, it means no one is listening or cares. 

I, on the other hand, am able to point out the decreased medical care, higher costs and higher insurance rates on a quite regular basis knowing that while I won't get much sympathy I am driving a stake in the heart of every liberal within ear shot. 

The satisfaction is only bitter sweet. I'd rather be listening to them whine about not getting Obamacare while the poor little things suffer through the better circumstances we hadthen, than we have now. My gloating is tempered by the way it hurts me and my family and because now two of the liberals who share my genetic code have been cut to part time and I am in the line of people they think might be able to help them. Unfortunately, because Obamacare has cost my wife and I at least four thousand more dollars this year than we spent on health care last year without any changes in routine or prescriptions, I have no discriminatory money to "lend" them. 

Any pride I might feel in the fact that I was right and they were wrong is lost in the sorrow I feel for my family and my country. 

I must admit that I will need to read and re-read Matthew 5:44 many times before I can get my heart right and stop the resentment that I carry around against those who have harmed us so greatly by passing Obamacare. 

Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you.


By Dale Barnes

Paying more for less health care, Killing liberalism with truth, Biting my tongue and opting to pray

Hmph! Since I don't read the Bible, I'm sure as hell not going to read this trash. And if it's anything like the present administration, it's FULL of contradictions.
  • September 10, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
I believe you are right about that, the ones who passed it have likely read neither.
  • September 11, 2013
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