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This is a situation I never thought I would find myself in. Recently the Scouts have made two changes that I  am forced to morally and ethically question. This it leaves me wrestling with what to do about previously assigning the scouts property rights and how to handle future requests to use the ABCs in their ceremonies or activities or on some of their scouting websites. I am afraid my doing so, may appear as an endorsement of their new policies. The policies I am referring to are the alignment with planned parenthood and the acceptance of "gay & transgender" children in their ranks.

I wish to briefly explain why the changes are an issue because there will be many who see no problem with them and will wonder why I am concerned. 

Planned Parenthood is imho primarily a 1 BILLIION DOLLAR government funded abortion factory. They perform an abortion on average of one every 97 seconds, 40% of which are on minorities. Besides the fact that I don't believe my income demanded by the government in tax dollars should be supporting Planned Parenthood, many don't realize that it was started by a very controversial and apparently racist Margaret Sanger, in part for the sake of limiting the black population. My thoughts on abortion and when life begins are my own and I believe women should have the rights to control their own bodies. But as we have seen recently due to the horrific Gosnell trial, infants are being murdered in and partially out of their mother's womb.

At some point, I can not agree that a woman should be able to legally kill an unborn child without it being a choice of her own life or the life of the child. We saw the little feet that were placed in jars in the freezer of the Gosnell clinic, the baby with a slit throat tossed into a box, the backs of children's necks severed, and we should be appalled and intensely reminded, this is not the little "clump of undeveloped cells" that early term abortions may be written off as removing by those who comfort themselves with such thoughts. I also believe that we see the casual use of abortion for birth control that Planned Parenthood is in it's own way supporting the destruction of morality and families. The "Oh well, if I get pregnant I'll just have an abortion." thoughts are not positive or supportive of creating a better world.

While I believe that abstinence is the best policy for both moral and health reasons, I don't feel it is my calling to sell that idea but when I consider the consequences of casual sex not blessed with a Godly union of marriage outside of the physical realm, such as the passing on of STDs including Aids, and unwanted pregnancies, I see the spiritual, emotional and psychological scars that many carry with them for life due to their loose sexual behaviors. I think the lack of meaning in such sexual activities lends to the lack of caring about the offspring produced by it.

SEX SELLS and we have all been inundated with the propaganda pressure to engage in it even before the recent discussions and supportive agendas of pedophilia and whether it is merely a sexual orientation and not a crime. Sex addiction is rapidly becoming a social norm, the popularity of the multi-billion dollar porn industry speaks for itself, rising numbers of sex slave trafficking, and the sex filled film, TV and music media industries, are all signaling us that sex is a predominant aspect of life and practically meaningless other than its use for physical pleasuring.

Anyone who has truly loved their partner and shared that love with them physically in the confines of what a legitimate marriage entails will know there is nothing similar about it to casual sex or the degradation of humanity found in the messages driven by pro casual sex propaganda. When God blesses and a miracle occurs resulting in new life, that is in no way related to the woman who spreads her legs for countless men so that a video can be made or so that every one can have a meaningless physical experience. Planned Parenthood, may have perhaps been originally established as a side affect of the existing conditions at the time of it's founding but what it has become today, needs to be looked at with open eyes and an open heart and studied to find the effects on the thinking of modern men and women.

The other issue I find difficult to reason a support of is the Scouts officially allowing those being labeled as  "gay and transgender"' children into their ranks.Two links on this Girl Scouts - Boy Scouts (There is a lot more on the subject to be found, these are but representative links on the topic.)

To better convey my concerns I will share a bit of my own life here. When I was very young, if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have answered, "A boy." I thank God I was not born in times when certain types of parents would pick that up and support the development of it in me. I might be a surgically produced man instead of a woman today. As a child I did not understand that I couldn't just grow up to be what ever I wanted to be. I was a full out tomboy. I hated dolls, I hated dresses, and I didn't like things most girls liked. I loved boy toys, I wanted to dress like boys with pants and shirts, (sometimes I unbuttoned my shirt like my boy cousins did) and I loved sports that girls weren't allowed to play back then, like baseball rather than softball.  If a boy could do it, I wanted to do it too. My wanting to be a boy was in my time the expression of who I was in rebellion to who society told me I could be.

It wasn't until I was about eleven or twelve that I came to the conclusion that I was what God made me and that was exactly who I was supposed to be. I realized that I could still grow up to be a woman who liked all of those things even though I might have to push my way through barriers to do it. I think the fact that I was one of the first women to work in the construction industry and my later love of being a tour guide requiring extensive four wheel driving skills and navigating dangerous situations, something that international tourists thrilled at when they discovered their guide was a woman, was how I grew to continue on with being the person God intended me to be, a woman who still likes things many would relate to being male dominated or masculine activites.

What would have happened to me if someone reacted to how I acted and told me I must be "gay or transgender?" As a child would I have picked that up and believed it especially if I had been told it enough and treated as such? I will tell you as a grown woman now, and a mother that I am definitely not and never was "gay or a man trapped in a woman's body" yet I may have been pushed in that direction if my mother had been the same as many mothers that I read about today.

According to reliable studies, 4% of the population is gay. Does that surprise you? It surprised me. With all of the fuss about a person's sexual preferences, I would have guessed that number to be higher. And the reason I see for the misconception about it points to where my researching the reasons behind the pushing of the gay agenda that we are seeing today led me. For one example the Congressional Record of the Communist Manifesto specifically states they will destroy families, destroy the Christian faith and push gay activities as a part of the moral decay they wished upon us as a part of their brainwashing that makes us prime for looking to government and government only for our every need. Free thinkers are not so easily controlled as those who march in goose step willingly. 

And so, due to my own experiences as a child and because it has been made clear that the gay agenda is not proceeding out of a clear and definable intent of helping society in general I can not feel at ease with an institution that will help label a child who has not fully grown to understand who they are and even if it is an unintended consequence, contribute to the Communist Manifesto.

The last time I had to make a decision like this was on a much smaller scale and I'm not sure it completely relates but it is the closest thing I can think of. I was once asked to print/sell several hundred copies of the ABCs bookmarks for a school graduation ceremony. It was requested that I leave God out of the (Y) in the ABCs: "You are unique of all God's creations, nothing can replace you." This came from a school that I had provided bookmarks for several times in the past. When I called the person who placed the order we had a long discussion about it. She was embarrassed to ask but conveyed that there was a group of parents who would cause a lot of trouble for the school if they handed out anything referring to God! I told her I had to think it over.

Eventually I agreed to change the line to "You are unique in all of creation..." This says the same thing to a degree and I reasoned that those who thought of God as the creator would instinctively understand God is implied and those who don't would not be offended to the point that the school would be put in a legal battle. But let me say, that was the only exception I made on this and because I state repeatedly in many articles and talks that I was given the ABCs as a direct result of my prayers to God, I did not feel good about it. I can't see me making that exception ever again. Glory be to God that the ABCs work and have changed millions of lives not to me. Knowing this, how can I dare leave God out of the ABCs?

So in this case, do I use the same rationale? Do I convince myself that the scouts now more than ever need the ABCs to help guide them? Or should I withdraw my agreements from the past or in the future to allow them to use it lest they consider I endorse these new policies they have embraced?

God, please help me know what to do!

Let it be known that I make no personal condemnations against those that I can't agree with the activities they engage in. I am no saint. I have sinned, made many mistakes and changed my way of thinking many times through the process of growing older and hopefully wiser to become the person writing this today. I believe God loves us all and we are told to have "agape" love, ie: God's unconditional love, for all and even to pray for our enemies. I have never treated anyone differently because they had an abortion or live a gay lifestyle and I never would for those reasons alone. My spirit won't allow it. I believe a person's decisions are to be made by them as they walk the path they are given and that that only God knows how they should be judged for how they live their life. But to participate with institutions that I believe are supporting things that are overall harmful is a difficult decision to make for me even if some may be helped by it.

Any comments on this topic are appreciated.

By Wanda Hope Carter


Copyrights Wanda Hope Carter, 2013 all rights reserved, no duplication, downloading, or any type of publication is allowed without express written permission

 Articles linked to in this blog are attached below in no particular order ->

Carl Spencer
I can see why this is a hard decision for you. All I can do is pray for you to make the right one. There is something positive to be said about either choice. 
  • May 31, 2013
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i remember u telling me about the school.. it made u regret it and u r still thinking about it... u asked for comments so i hope u dont mind if i tell u that i would let the ones out there stay because u oked it before these things happened.... pray about it in the mean time and the next time u r as...
  • June 1, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
 I can't stand even the idea of planned parenthood. If they were really engaging in what their name says, it would be a needed institution. Kids from broken and less than perfect homes aren't growing into adults who understand what it takes to be a parent and couseling or education on the subject wo...
  • June 3, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
This is interesting to read. I think probably what Mona said is true , if there is not a full endorsement then don't do it. (I think that is what she means) I wouldn't. I've participated with my local scouts but around here none of this matters to them because to my knowledge there aren't any issues...
  • June 3, 2013
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Thank you for sharing your story.   This was the point I tried to make the other day.  To call a six yr old 'transgender' is jumping the gun. 
However, not everyone believes in God and I respect that.  I think that your bookmark and ABC's should reflect THEIR beliefs. 
Look at Scientology.  Their high...
  • June 1, 2013
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Mona Rainwater
If you don't endorse them, then you will have nothing to question. When there is a question, I always say, DON"T DO ANYTHING till you know for sure it is something you want to do. That is how I operated my business for 35 yrs. Perhaps your situation is different, I don't know.
  • June 2, 2013
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