When I discovered my namesake website looked like a hot mess on my new phone, it happened on the day I had slotted to begin new adventures moving forward on May 28. Everything kind of came to a screeching halt because I reall...

American Dream TEAM!
Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
When Plans go Wrong During Mercury Retrograde AGAIN
I was so enthused and excited to begin my best made plans to run down a dream. I lined up with the stars, made a list and checked it twice and the first two days of positioning were right on target. Then, BAM straight out of...
WandaHopeCarter.com New Design
I changed my format at http://wandahopecarter.com and am half way done with several new pages of info to come. I just wanted you to know what I have been working on when I am not here - must have this finished before I can mo...
wandahopecarter.com, updates, changes, website
I can't sleep and I keep thinking about the American Fl...
July 6, 2015
It doesn't matter that I have to be up and at it in a few hours, I can't sleep. One of the things going through my mind the most is centered around the American flag. I've seen a lot of pictures of it over the pa...
patriotism, American flag, pledge, truth, justice, hope, freedom, ideals, American dream, God bless America, prayers, pray for America
Claim your miracles!
So due to the fact that I've seemed to reach a very low point in life, lately I've been waking up every morning and claiming miracles to be so amazed to watch them come to me. Today I told someone who has been a bit down beca...

To Achieve The American Dream Remember Your ABCs Acrylic Wall Art by Wanda_Hope_Carter
View more American Acrylic Wall Arts at zazzle.com
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