One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a...

American Dream TEAM!
Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
New Testimonial Page at
We have received our first testimonials on our new Testimonial page at If you have a story to share about the use of the ABCs we would greatly appreciate hearing from you there or you can share it u...
Keeping Busy With Projects
I want to share why I haven't been on the front side posting as much lately. I am undertaking a project to revamp my personal website and this is step one in a mutli step process to attempt to turn things around in my life be...
change of plans, plans, project, website
Don't Give Up - You May Never Know the Influence You Ha...
I do not know the origin of this piece but I have found it all over the internet written exactly as it appears below. I am posting in hopes it is in the public domain and that this is not an infringement. It is such an incred...
God, Christian, Africa, missionary, daughter, mother, Aggie Hurst, church, pastor, bible
Making a List of 365 Things
While nursing a cold flu over the last few days, I've had time to think about things that I don't normally take time to think about. A lot of the thoughts start out, I shoulda, coulda, woulda, if only, why don't I, I need to ...
list, things to do, self improvement, habits, change, success, journey

To Achieve The American Dream Remember Your ABCs Acrylic Wall Art by Wanda_Hope_Carter
View more American Acrylic Wall Arts at
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